Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 25 78 32.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
82 0 0 0 $error eq 'Not a mailbox' && $options->{'force_processing'}
392 0 0 defined $error and not $error eq 'Not a mailbox' && $options->{'force_processing'}
0 0 0 $error =~ /Found a mix of unix and Windows line endings/ && $options->{'force_processing'}
392 0 0 defined $error and not $error eq 'Not a mailbox' && $options->{'force_processing'} and not $error =~ /Found a mix of unix and Windows line endings/ && $options->{'force_processing'}
120 0 377 15 not defined $self and $options->{'enable_grep'}
232 0 290 0 not eof $file_handle and $file_type ne 'mailbox'
354 360 32 499 index($test_chars, "\n\n") == -1 and index($test_chars, "\r\n\r\n") == -1
359 0 0 499 defined $readResult and $readResult != 0
366 0 0 0 index($test_chars, "\n\n") == -1 and index($test_chars, "\r\n\r\n") == -1
386 0 0 485 defined $readResult and $readResult != 0
402 0 0 31 ord substr($test_chars, 0, 1) == 31 and ord substr($test_chars, 1, 1) == 139
404 0 0 0 ord substr($test_chars, 0, 1) == 31 and ord substr($test_chars, 1, 1) == 157
440 392 0 392 index($test_chars, "\n") == -1 and index($test_chars, "\r\n") == -1
445 0 0 392 defined $readResult and $readResult != 0
452 0 0 0 index($test_chars, "\n") == -1 and index($test_chars, "\r\n") == -1
472 0 0 392 defined $readResult and $readResult != 0
493 360 0 32 $windows_count > 0 and $unix_count == 0
0 0 360 $windows_count == 0 and $unix_count > 0
710 0 0 392 $$test_characters =~ /$Mail::Mbox::MessageParser::Config{'from_pattern'}/im and $$test_characters =~ /^(Received[ :]|Date:|Subject:|X-Status:|Status:|To:)/ms
914 0 60 0 $] >= 5.006 and $] < 5.008
916 60 0 0 $header_name =~ /^From$/i and $$email_header =~ /^((?:From\s|X-From-Line:|X-Draft-From:).*$endline(\s.*$endline)*)/im
929 30 0 0 lc $header_name eq 'from ' and $$email_header =~ /^(From\s.*$endline(\s.*$endline)*)/im

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
62 0 404 0 ref $proto || $proto
65 404 0 0 defined $options->{'file_name'} or defined $options->{'file_handle'}
89 0 0 0 $error eq 'Not a mailbox' or $error =~ /Found a mix of unix and Windows line endings/
749 0 0 40 -t $file_handle || -S $file_handle || -p $file_handle || !(-f $file_handle) || !seek($file_handle, 0, 1)