Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 15 22 68.1

line true false branch
19 0 15 if DEBUG()
20 0 15 unless defined $message
29 0 15 if (defined $x_listserver and $x_listserver =~ /(Lyris v[\w\.]+)/) { }
3 12 elsif (defined $list_software and $list_software =~ /Lyris Server version ([\w\.]+)/) { }
0 12 elsif (defined $x_list_software and $x_list_software =~ /Lyris v([\w\.]+)/) { }
1 11 elsif (defined $x_lyris_message_id and $x_lyris_message_id =~ /^
3 8 elsif (defined $message_id and $message_id =~ /^<(LYR|LISTMANAGER)/) { }
45 0 7 if DEBUG()
46 7 0 if (defined $list_unsubscribe) { }
47 5 2 if ($list_unsubscribe =~ //) { }
2 0 elsif ($list_unsubscribe =~ //) { }