Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 22 30 73.3

line true false branch
37 0 18 unless (&blessed($element) and $element->isa($type))
72 0 12 unless scalar @_
77 4 8 if (&blessed($_[0])) { }
78 1 3 unless $_[0]->isa($type)
83 0 8 unless defined $object and &blessed($object) and $object->isa($type)
95 1 0 scalar @elements == 1 && ref $elements[0] eq 'ARRAY' ? :
116 0 16 unless defined $compare
120 1 23 if &blessed($compare) and $item == $compare
122 2 21 if $item->compare($compare)
147 1 2 if (not defined $remove) { }
155 2 5 if (&blessed($remove) and $item == $remove or $remove =~ /^\d+$/ and $index == $remove or $item->compare($remove)) { }
167 2 0 if defined $remove
178 10 1 unless ($self->contains($item))
189 0 21 unless defined $index and $index =~ /^\d+$/
194 0 21 unless $index =~ /^\d+$/ and defined $self->list->[$index]