Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 58 88 65.9

line true false branch
55 1 13 unless $fh->read($fheader, 36) == 36
58 0 13 unless $magic eq 'Bud1' and $magic1 == 1
59 0 13 unless $offset == $offset2
86 1 853 if $_ == 0
123 3 1 if defined $fh
148 0 4 unless $hdr == 0
191 293 2265 unless defined $addr_size
211 0 3958 if ($next > $addr)
212 0 0 if $verbose
217 0 3958 if $verbose
219 0 3958 if @uses > 1
226 58 0 if $gaps == 0
246 3 8 unless exists $$self{'offsets'}[0]
274 10 1 if $tail
298 847 1 defined $_ && $_ > 0 ? :
302 10 1 if ($offsetcount > 0)
346 0 269 unless $addr
351 193 76 if (not defined $write && $write) { }
369 1 203 unless $addr
371 96 107 unless wantarray
393 84 536 if (defined $buddyindex) { }
412 365 438 if (@$flist) { }
454 344 25 unless (defined $blocknum)
469 22 347 if (exists $$offsets[$blocknum] and $$offsets[$blocknum])
473 8 14 if ($blkwidth == $wantwidth) { }
503 84 0 if ($blkaddr)
536 0 413 unless $fh->seek($offset + $$self{'fudge'}, 0)
604 0 266 unless $allocator->_sought($offset)->read($value, $size) > 0
619 0 9240 if $pos + $len > CORE::length $$self[1]
623 4000 5240 $unpack ? :
636 6 0 unless defined $whence
637 6 0 if ($whence == 0) { }
0 0 elsif ($whence == 1) { }
0 0 elsif ($whence == 2) { }
666 0 76 unless defined $offset and defined $size
668 0 76 if $offset <= 0
686 0 0 if ($whence == 0) { }
0 0 elsif ($whence == 1) { }
0 0 elsif ($whence == 2) { }
702 136 2323 unless (defined $$self[1])
706 1777 682 if (@args)
712 0 2459 if $$self[2] + $wlen > $$self[4]
721 60 0 if (defined $fill and $fill and $$self[2] < $$self[4])
760 1376 629 if (@args)