Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 62 96 64.5

line true false branch
73 0 5 unless open my $fh, "<:raw", $file
75 2 3 unless $success and $MAGIC eq substr($header, 0, 16)
78 0 3 unless my $start = unpack("V", substr($header, -4))
82 0 3 unless read $fh, $header, $start
84 0 3 unless read $fh, my $next, 4
95 16 59 if (ref $item) { }
55 4 elsif (defined $item) { }
106 0 75 unless read $fh, my $chunk_header, 8
109 0 75 unless $bytes == $chunk_size
112 55 20 if ($item_type)
118 4 71 if ($chunk_type == -2) { }
26 45 elsif (257 == ($chunk_type & 63487)) { }
10 35 elsif (513 == $chunk_type) { }
7 28 elsif (771 == $chunk_type) { }
8 20 elsif (772 == $chunk_type) { }
7 13 elsif (1024 == $chunk_type) { }
5 8 elsif (1280 == ($chunk_type & 65280)) { }
6 2 elsif (1537 == $chunk_type) { }
2 0 elsif (2561 == $chunk_type) { }
144 3 4 if ($item_type and $item_type == 53264)
148 3 0 %options ? :
183 16 53 if (ref $item_ref eq 'ARRAY') { }
207 0 5 unless open my $fh, "<:raw", $file
208 1 4 unless read $fh, my $data, 16
217 0 10 unless open my $fh, "<:raw", $file
218 2 8 unless read $fh, my $header, 20
219 2 6 unless $MAGIC eq substr($header, 0, 16)
222 0 6 unless my $start = unpack("V", substr($header, -4))
224 0 6 unless read $fh, my $toc_offset, 4
233 6 0 if $item_type == 4100
235 0 6 unless $path_offset
239 0 6 unless read $fh, my $path_header, 8
241 0 6 unless $path_type == 1537
242 0 6 unless defined read($fh, my $path_chunk, $path_size)
250 0 12 unless read $fh, my $chunk_header, 8
252 0 12 unless $chunk_type == 257
253 0 12 unless read $fh, my $chunk_data, $chunk_size
306 11 0 unless -x "/usr/bin/osacompile" and -x "/usr/bin/osascript"
312 0 0 if ($?)
326 5 0 unless ($script)
334 0 0 if (not $out or $?)
335 0 0 if $out and not $out =~ /\(-1700\)/u
346 1 4 if $target and $target->exists
348 4 0 unless my $script = $_osascript{'resolve_alias'} // &_osascript("resolve_alias")
355 0 0 if $out and not $?
363 1 2 unless (-e $target)
369 2 0 unless ($script)
379 0 0 if ($?)