Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 13 14 92.8

line true false branch
20 1 71 if (scalar @_ eq 2 and not ref $_[0] and ref $_[1] eq 'CODE') { }
28 1 71 unless $args->{'name'}
30 1 70 unless $args->{'initializer'}
33 1 69 unless ref $args->{'initializer'} eq 'CODE' or MOP::Internal::Util::CAN_COERCE_TO_CODE_REF($args->{'initializer'})
59 18 92 MOP::Internal::Util::CAN_COERCE_TO_CODE_REF($self->[1]) ? :
77 0 18 if scalar @classnames == 0
82 15 3 if $candidate eq $class