Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 66 80 82.5

line true false branch
42 130 188 ref $_ ? :
44 33 21 unless $class->xml_to_perl_backwards_compat_perl_tag($_) or $class->xml_to_perl_backref($_) or $class->xml_to_perl_ref($_) or $class->xml_to_perl_scalar($_) or $class->xml_to_perl_hash($_) or $class->xml_to_perl_array($_)
54 130 0 if @res == 1
62 0 130 unless ref $tree
63 120 10 unless $$tree{'_tag'} eq 'perl'
73 0 122 unless ref $tree
74 119 3 unless $$tree{'_tag'} eq 'backref'
76 1 2 unless exists $$MKDoc::XML::Dumper::BackRef{$ref_id}
84 0 119 unless ref $tree
85 59 60 unless $$tree{'_tag'} eq 'ref'
89 0 60 if defined $$tree{'bless'}
100 0 61 unless ref $tree
101 54 7 unless $$tree{'_tag'} eq 'scalar'
102 0 7 unless my $ref_id = $$tree{'id'}
105 1 6 if defined $$tree{'bless'}
116 0 60 unless ref $tree
117 40 20 unless $$tree{'_tag'} eq 'hash'
118 0 20 unless my $ref_id = $$tree{'id'}
121 13 7 if defined $$tree{'bless'}
124 70 78 ref $_ ? :
128 58 12 if ($Compat) { }
150 0 46 unless ref $tree
151 33 13 unless $$tree{'_tag'} eq 'array'
152 0 13 unless my $ref_id = $$tree{'id'}
155 3 10 if defined $$tree{'bless'}
158 20 21 ref $_ ? :
173 0 37 unless ref $tree
174 0 37 unless $$tree{'_tag'} eq 'litteral'
175 1 36 if $$tree{'undef'} and $$tree{'undef'} eq 'true'
216 39 79 unless $ref and ref $ref
219 77 2 unless $$MKDoc::XML::Dumper::BackRef{$ref_id}
228 42 1 defined $ref ? :
237 50 7 unless $ref and ref $ref and &Scalar::Util::reftype($ref) eq 'SCALAR'
243 1 6 $bless ? :
259 55 60 unless $ref and ref $ref and &Scalar::Util::reftype($ref) eq 'REF'
265 0 60 $bless ? :
281 46 10 unless $ref and ref $ref and &Scalar::Util::reftype($ref) eq 'HASH'
287 3 7 $bless ? :
310 39 13 unless $ref and ref $ref and &Scalar::Util::reftype($ref) eq 'ARRAY'
316 3 10 $bless ? :