Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 18 20 90.0

line true false branch
34 10 5 if ($event->[0] eq "note_on" and $event->[4] > 0 and $when > $onsets[-1])
43 5 1 if $when > $maxdur
45 1 4 if $last->[1] == 0 and $last->[0] eq "note_on" and $last->[4] > 0
53 1 4 if $maxdur <= 0
55 1 3 if (@track_lens > 1)
57 1 0 if ($track_lens[0] != $track_lens[$i])
83 0 3 if ($half < $onsets->[$midpoint]) { }
2 1 elsif ($half > $onsets->[$midpoint]) { }
103 2 2 if $self->{'vague'} or $self->{'ragged'}
110 1 5 unless exists $links->{$window}