Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 14 24 58.3

line true false branch
80 6 663 unless defined $n and lc($n) =~ /^([a-g][b#]?)(-?\d\d?)$/
83 1 662 unless $p >= 0 and $p <= 127
103 6 660 unless defined $p and $p =~ /^-?(\d+|\d*(\.\d+))$/
105 3 657 unless $p >= 0 and $p <= 127
121 4 716 unless defined $f and $f =~ /^(\d+|\d*(\.\d+))$/ and $f > 0
136 4 588 unless defined $p and $p =~ /^-?(\d+|\d*(\.\d+))$/
183 0 0 unless defined $semitone and $semitone =~ /^\d+$/ && $semitone >= 0 && $semitone <= 11 || exists $MIDI::Pitch::name2pitch_lut{$semitone}
188 0 0 unless defined $pitch and $pitch =~ /^\d+$/ and $pitch >= 0 and $pitch <= 127
193 0 0 if exists $MIDI::Pitch::name2pitch_lut{$semitone}
197 0 0 if $pitch - $result > 6 and $result < 116
198 0 0 if $result - $pitch > 6 and $result > 11
217 1 3 if defined $f and $f > 0