Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 14 82 17.0

line true false branch
51 0 0 unless $self->{'infodir'}
52 0 0 unless (-d $self->getfullpath(undef, 'root'))
53 0 0 unless (mkdir $self->getfullpath(undef, 'root'))
59 0 0 unless (-d $dir)
61 0 0 if ($@)
69 0 0 unless $self->create_media($media)
89 0 0 unless (-d $dir)
91 0 0 if ($@)
114 2 1 if ($var)
115 0 2 if ($media and not $distrib->mediaexists($media))
118 0 2 if ($var =~ /^(?:media|info)dir\z/)
122 2 0 if ($val) { }
123 0 2 unless $distrib->{'cfg'}->newval($media, $var, $val)
129 3 0 if $media
134 2 1 if ($cvar) { }
136 0 2 if ($vsettings->{'cross'})
142 0 0 if (exists $pointed_media{$media}) { }
143 0 0 if exists $ml{$cmedia}
146 0 0 unless exists $ml{$cmedia}
160 0 0 if ($vsettings->{'cross'})
161 0 0 if (grep {$_ eq $cmedia;} split(/\s/, $distrib->getvalue($media, $val), 0))
165 0 0 if exists $ml{$media}
189 1 1 if ($var) { }
200 1 0 if ($cvar) { }
202 0 1 if ($vsettings->{'cross'})
203 0 0 if ($distrib->getvalue($media, $vsettings->{'cross'}))
205 0 0 unless exists $ml{$cmedia}
218 0 0 if ($vsettings->{'ismedialist'} and $distrib->getvalue($media, $val))
220 0 0 unless exists $ml{$cmedia}
245 0 0 if (ref $hdlists eq 'GLOB') { }
249 0 0 unless open $h_hdlists, '>', $hdlists
254 0 0 $distrib->getvalue($media, 'size') ? :
0 0 unless printf $h_hdlists "%s%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", join('', map({"${_}:";} grep({$distrib->getvalue($media, $_);} 'askmedia', 'suppl', 'noauto'))) || '', $distrib->getvalue($media, 'hdlist'), $distrib->getpath($media, 'path'), $distrib->getvalue($media, 'name'), $distrib->getvalue($media, 'size') ? '(' . $distrib->getvalue($media, 'size') . ')' : ''
289 0 0 if (ref $version eq 'GLOB') { }
293 0 0 unless open $h_version, '>', $version
298 0 0 $distrib->getvalue(undef, 'tag') ? :
307 0 0 if (ref $version ne 'GLOB')
322 0 0 if (ref $productid eq 'GLOB') { }
326 0 0 unless open $h_productid, '>', $productid
331 0 0 if (ref $productid ne 'GLOB')
366 0 0 if ($size / $blk < 1)