Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 38 66 57.5

line true false branch
105 0 0 if $format
161 3 1 if ref $xml or $xml eq 'MARC::Record'
186 0 1 unless my $fh = 'IO::File'->new(">$filename")
189 1 0 if ($enc =~ /^utf-?8$/io) { }
216 0 1 unless ($self->{'fh'})
219 0 1 unless ($record)
223 1 0 unless ($self->{'header'})
229 0 1 unless $self->{'fh'}->print(record($record))
243 6 1 if ($self->{'fh'})
244 1 5 if $self->{'header'}
280 0 4 if $enc and ref $enc || $enc eq 'MARC::File::XML'
320 5 0 if ($original_encoding ne 'a' and not lc($format) =~ /^unimarc/o)
329 0 5 if ($include_full_record_header) { }
346 7 31 if ($field->is_control_field) { }
348 7 0 $_transcode ? :
356 59 0 $_transcode ? :
364 5 0 if ($_transcode)
385 0 233 if not defined $string or $string eq ''
395 0 25 if eof $fh
402 23 2 unless $xml =~ m[$]
407 2 23 unless $xml =~ m[<(([^:]+:){0,1})record>.*]s
410 10 13 if ($xml =~ /<([^:]+:)record>/)
434 23 4 if (ref($self) =~ /^MARC::File/) { }
439 0 4 $self =~ /MARC::File/ ? :
461 0 27 if defined $format and lc($format) =~ /^unimarc/o
462 1 26 if defined $enc and lc($enc) =~ /^utf-?8/o
482 0 3 if (lc($format) =~ /^unimarc/o)
487 3 0 unless $without_collection_header
491 0 3 $without_collection_header ? :
493 3 0 unless $without_collection_header
503 0 0 if lc $f eq 'unimarcauth'
507 0 0 if ($enc eq '01' or $enc eq '03') { }
0 0 elsif ($enc eq '50') { }