Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 30 0.0

line true false branch
27 0 0 if $haveLyricsCache and $self->{'-cache'} and not $self->{'-cache'} =~ /^\>/
39 0 0 unless $self->_check_inputs($artist_in, $song_in)
40 0 0 if $self->{'Error'} ne "Ok"
44 0 0 if ($haveLyricsCache and $self->{'-cache'} and not $self->{'-cache'} =~ /^\>/)
46 0 0 if ($cache)
48 0 0 if (defined $lyrics and $lyrics =~ /\w/)
80 0 0 if ($lyrics and $haveLyricsCache and $self->{'-cache'} and not $self->{'-cache'} =~ /^\
84 0 0 if $cache
106 0 0 unless ($text =~ /[a-z]/i)
108 0 0 if ($html =~ /\"body\"\:\"([^\"]+)/s)
115 0 0 if ($text =~ /[a-z]/i) { }
117 0 0 unless defined $self->{'-noextra'} and $self->{'-noextra'} or not $mm_status =~ /\S/
120 0 0 if ($html =~ m[\(.+?)\<\/div\>]s)
122 0 0 if ($imgdiv =~ /\
124 0 0 if $imgurl =~ m[^//]