Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 29 48 60.4

line true false branch
433 0 10 if $#fn_names < $#cols
441 1 9 unless $self->has_title
459 0 25 if $tcol{'width'} != $w
489 0 25 unless &is_module_name($al)
492 0 25 unless defined $obj
555 0 2 if (@_ == 0)
562 2 0 if defined $col
616 0 10 unless defined $idx
707 0 1 unless (defined $handle)
732 2 0 if ($dc ne $obj->dc)
745 0 1 unless ($csv)
784 2 0 $isminterms ? :
786 0 2 if $col->dc ne $self->dc and $col->dc ne $jhash{'dc'}
930 0 1 unless (defined $handle)
935 0 1 unless ($termtype =~ /minterms|maxterms/u)
943 0 1 unless ($csv)
964 1 6 if ($_ eq '') { }
4 2 elsif ($width == 0) { }
966 0 1 if ($width != 0)
1002 14 18 if (not $row->[$field] =~ /[01]/u) { }
8 20 elsif ($termtype eq 'minterms' and $row->[$field] eq '1' or $termtype eq 'maxterms' and $row->[$field] eq '0') { }
1054 0 1 unless (defined $handle)
1107 0 2 if (exists $jcols[$c]{'termtype'} and $jcols[$c]{'termtype'} eq 'maxterms') { }
1116 2 0 if scalar @{$dontcaresref;} > 0