Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 3 38 7.8

line true false branch
37 0 1 defined $format ? :
38 0 1 unless $self->format($format)
55 0 0 if ($self->mode eq 'append') { }
0 0 elsif ($self->mode eq 'overwrite') { }
64 0 0 unless $$self{'LOGFILE'}->open($$self{'file'}, $fcntl_mode)
73 0 0 unless $self->status eq 'open'
78 0 0 unless CORE::close $$self{'LOGFILE'}
104 0 0 if $format and ref $format ne 'CODE' and $format ne 'standard'
111 0 0 if $format eq 'standard'
113 0 0 unless ref $format eq 'CODE'
115 0 0 if $self->status ne 'open'
137 0 0 if ($mode)
138 0 0 if (exists $mode{$mode}) { }
139 0 0 if ($self->status eq 'closed') { }
0 0 elsif ($$self{'mode'} ne $mode) { }
158 1 0 if ($format eq 'standard') { }
0 0 elsif ($format) { }
162 0 0 unless (ref $format eq 'CODE')
179 0 0 unless exists $status{$status}