Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 13 36 36.1

line true false branch
115 1 0 if ($DISPATCHER)
116 0 0 unless $LAST and @$LAST == @_ and join('', @$LAST) eq join('', @_)
120 1 0 if ($Log::WarnDie::STDERR)
142 1 0 if ($DISPATCHER)
143 0 0 unless $LAST and @$LAST == @_ and join('', @$LAST) eq join('', @_)
147 1 0 if ($Log::WarnDie::STDERR)
203 0 4 unless $Log::WarnDie::STDERR->fdopen(fileno STDERR, 'w')
216 0 0 if ($DISPATCHER)
218 0 0 if (ref($DISPATCHER) =~ /^Log::Log4perl/) { }
224 0 0 $WARN ? :
236 0 4 if ($DISPATCHER)
238 0 0 if (ref($DISPATCHER) =~ /^Log::Log4perl/) { }
246 0 4 if ($DIE) { }
249 4 0 unless defined $^S and $^S == 0
284 3 1 unless @_ > 1
293 1 0 if ($DISPATCHER)
294 1 0 if ($DISPATCHER->isa('Log::Dispatch'))
297 1 0 if (my $outputs = $Log::WarnDie::DISPATCHER->{'outputs'})