Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 11 20 55.0

line true false branch
76 4 1 scalar(@passed) % 2 == 0 ? :
83 2 0 if ($attempt and is_HashRef($attempt) and exists $attempt->{'message'} || exists $attempt->{'ask'} || exists $attempt->{'level'} && $attempt->{'level'} =~ /fatal/i)
94 0 1 is_ArrayRef($passed[0]) && scalar @passed == 1 ? :
99 5 0 is_ArrayRef($data_ref->{'message'}) ? :
105 1 4 unless ($data_ref->{'report'})
113 1 4 unless ($data_ref->{'level'})
135 0 5 if ($data_ref->{'ask'})
145 0 0 if ($input and length $input > 0)
157 0 3 if ($report_count < 1 and $data_ref->{'fail_over'} || $self->should_fail_over)
161 0 0 unless $ENV{'hide_warn'}