Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 39 50 78.0

line true false branch
35 0 12 if not $charset and $fn =~ m(\.([\w-]+)(?:\@[^/\\]+)?\.po$)i
39 1 11 if ($charset) { }
40 0 1 unless open $fh, "<:encoding($charset):crlf", $fn
45 0 11 unless open $fh, '<:raw:crlf', $fn
55 11 214 unless ($charset)
56 0 11 unless $msgid eq ''
58 11 0 $msgstr[0] =~ /^content-type:.*?charset=["']?([\w-]+)/im ? :
60 0 11 unless my $enc = &find_encoding($charset)
70 1 224 @msgstr > 1 ? :
76 302 801 if substr($line, 0, 1) eq '#'
78 232 569 if ($line =~ /^\s*$/)
79 223 9 if @msgstr
83 0 569 if ($line =~ s/^msgctxt\s+//) { }
225 344 elsif ($line =~ s/^msgid\s+//) { }
4 340 elsif ($line =~ s/^msgstr\[(\d+)\]\s*//) { }
224 116 elsif ($line =~ s/^msgstr\s+//) { }
115 1 elsif ($last and $line =~ /^\s*\"/) { }
102 2 10 if @msgstr
104 0 12 unless close $fh
133 0 13 unless my $po = $self->{'index'}{"$msgid#$ctxt"}
136 4 9 unless ref $po
139 0 9 unless $$po[$self->{'algo'}->($count // 1)]
147 0 686 unless ($_[0] =~ /^\s*\"(.*)\"\s*$/)
156 44 20 defined $_[0] && length $_[0] ? :
159 4 60 if @escaped > 1