Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 48 84 57.1

line true false branch
34 0 2 unless my $domain = $args->{'textdomain'}
37 2 0 unless ($forms)
48 2 0 defined $version ? :
60 0 3 if not $charset and $fn =~ m(\.([\w-]+)(?:\@[^/\\]+)?\.po$)i
64 2 1 if (defined $charset) { }
65 0 2 unless open $fh, "<:encoding($charset):crlf", $fn
70 0 1 unless open $fh, '<:raw:crlf', $fn
79 3 40 unless defined $block
84 0 40 unless length $block
86 1 39 unless ($charset)
87 1 0 $block =~ /\"content-type:.*?charset=["']?([\w-]+)/im ? :
92 0 1 unless $block = &decode($charset, $block)
98 40 0 if $po
101 0 3 unless close $fh
114 1 1 @_ % 2 ? :
117 0 2 unless defined $file
124 1 1 if (ref $file) { }
127 0 1 unless open $fh, $layers, $file
135 2 13 if $msgid eq ''
139 13 0 &blessed($rec) ? :
142 0 13 if $po->useless
143 0 13 if $need_refs and not $po->references
149 0 2 unless $fh->close
161 0 0 (shift())->filename =~ m([/\\](\w+)[^/\\]*$) ? :
167 13 37 unless my $msgs = $self->index->{$msgid}
169 37 0 if &blessed($msgs) and !$msgctxt || $msgctxt eq $msgs->msgctxt
179 0 15 unless my $po = $self->msgid($msgid, $msgctxt)
193 53 0 unless $h
195 0 0 if &blessed($h)
201 0 0 if $h->{$ctxt}
210 49 0 &blessed($_) ? :
4 1 unless @_
212 0 1 if $_[0] ne 'ACTIVE'
223 0 13 unless my $header = $self->msgid('')
227 8 5 unless (@_)
229 7 1 $text =~ /^\Q$field\E\:\s*([^\n]*?)\;?\s*$/im ? :
236 4 1 if (defined $content) { }
237 1 3 unless s/^\Q$field\E\:([^\n]*)/${field}: $content/im
279 2 0 if $header
302 0 0 if $po->msgid eq ''
304 0 0 if $po->fuzzy
305 0 0 unless $po->isActive or $po->useless