Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 12 42 28.5

line true false branch
26 0 1 unless my $lexi = $args->{'lexicon'}
28 0 1 unless -d $lexi or mkdir $lexi
47 12 0 $r ? :
53 0 0 ref $pot eq 'ARRAY' ? :
0 0 if $pot
68 0 0 if ref $keep eq 'ARRAY'
79 0 0 @_ ? :
81 0 0 unless &dispatcher('needs', 'INFO')
85 0 0 unless my $pots = $self->{'LRE_domains'}{$domain}
90 0 0 unless $stats->{'fuzzy'} or $stats->{'inactive'}
93 0 0 if $msgids == $stats->{'fuzzy'}
104 0 0 if ($fuzzy or $inactive) { }
123 2 1 unless (defined $domain)
128 0 1 unless my $pots = delete $self->{'LRE_domains'}{$domain}
164 0 1 if @pots
190 0 12 if ($context) { }
194 0 0 if ($plural and $plural =~ /\{[^}]*\<\w+/)
203 12 0 unless $msgctxts and @$msgctxts
210 0 12 if (my $po = $pot->msgid($stripped, $msgctxt))
212 0 0 if $plural
216 2 10 $stripped =~ /\{/ ? :