Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 27 38 71.0

line true false branch
20 19 9 unless (ref $fh)
23 0 19 unless open $fh, "<", \$input
25 18 10 if ($self->input_pos)
26 0 18 unless seek $fh, $self->input_pos, 0
35 1 169 unless substr($_, -1) eq "\n"
37 3 166 unless $_ =~ /^progress: (([[:alpha:]][\w.]*) )?(.*)/
41 151 15 if ($remainder =~ m[^([\d.]+)(/(\d+))?( (.*))?]) { }
15 0 elsif ($remainder =~ /^\(([\d.]+)\) (.*)/) { }
0 0 elsif ($remainder =~ /^\{/) { }
43 20 131 if (defined $message) { }
47 130 1 unless defined $state->{'message'} and $self->sticky_message
50 120 31 if (defined $denom)
53 120 0 if $denom
55 0 151 if $state->{'progress'} > 1
56 139 12 if ($state->{'contribution'})
70 0 0 !defined($self->on_data) ? :
85 29 0 if $_->{'progress'} and $_->{'contribution'}
95 154 12 if (defined $step_id and length $step_id)
97 154 0 if $path