Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 42 82 51.2

line true false branch
215 0 4 unless open my $fh, '<', $file
222 0 4 if ref $_[0] eq 'CODE'
226 0 4 if $accept and not &$accept($log)
227 0 4 if $firstonly
237 4 823 if $line =~ /^$/
238 4 819 if $line =~ /^########/
244 0 819 unless scalar @keys >= 2
247 77 742 if (scalar @keys == 0) { }
248 28 49 if ($key eq 'INC') { }
253 0 49 if exists $$log{$key}
259 0 742 if scalar @keys
261 720 22 if ($key eq 'MODULE') { }
262 0 720 unless $modkeys{$key2}
267 0 22 if exists $$log{$key}{$key2}
279 1 0 unless ref $logger eq 'CODE'
302 0 1 if $uid ne $euid
303 0 1 if $egid ne $gid
324 0 6 if exists $ENV{$k}
338 1 0 if ($_[0] =~ /^-(logname|logdir|logext|logdate)$/) { }
0 0 elsif ($_[0] =~ /^-(stdout|suppress)$/) { }
340 0 1 if scalar @_ == 1
355 0 1 if @_ and $_[0] =~ /^-/
356 0 1 if @_
357 0 1 unless exists $valid_dates{$option{'logdate'}}
360 0 1 if $ENV{'DUMP_LOG_IMPORTS'}
377 23 332 if (@_ == 2) { }
332 0 elsif (@_ == 3) { }
384 0 0 if @_
390 0 1 if $kill_caught++
392 1 0 unless ($option{'suppress'})
400 0 1 if ($option{'stdout'}) { }
405 0 0 'time' eq $dopt ? :
1 0 'date' eq $dopt ? :
0 1 'none' eq $dopt ? :
412 1 0 if $date
413 0 1 if $option{'logext'} =~ /^[^.]/
415 0 1 unless open $logfh, '>>', $log_path
420 1 0 if flock $logfh, 2
421 0 0 if $lock_cnt > 30
422 0 0 unless $lock_cnt++
426 0 1 if $lock_cnt