Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 19 22 86.3

line true false branch
26 175 2 if defined $newtext
30 0 177 unless defined $text
38 336 1018 unless /\S/
51 1018 0 if (my($key, $val) = /(\S+?)\s*=\s*(.*)/)
70 1330 1313 unless exists $ptr->{$part}
84 1 1016 if (exists $ptr->{'value'} and $how_deep > 2 and defined $parts[0] and lc $parts[0] eq 'appender' and defined $parts[2] and not exists $NOT_A_MULT_VALUE{lc $parts[2]}) { }
89 1 0 if (ref $ptr->{'value'} ne "ARRAY")
96 3 1013 if (defined $ptr->{'value'})
97 2 1 unless ($Log::Log4perl::Logger::NO_STRICT)
122 7 1 if (exists $r->{$n}) { }
130 3 1 if ($found and exists $r->{'value'}) { }