Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 10 18 55.5

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
107 1 0 1 defined $formatter and ref $formatter
1 0 1 defined $formatter and ref $formatter and UNIVERSAL::can($formatter, 'isa')
0 0 1 defined $formatter and ref $formatter and UNIVERSAL::can($formatter, 'isa') and $formatter->isa('Log::Fine::Formatter')
231 401 0 1 defined $self->{'formatter'} and ref $self->{'formatter'}
401 0 1 defined $self->{'formatter'} and ref $self->{'formatter'} and UNIVERSAL::can($self->{'formatter'}, 'isa')
0 0 1 defined $self->{'formatter'} and ref $self->{'formatter'} and UNIVERSAL::can($self->{'formatter'}, 'isa') and $self->{'formatter'}->isa('Log::Fine::Formatter')