Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 61 78 78.2

line true false branch
36 2 2 if (not $param{-'level'}) { }
40 1 1 ref $param{-'level'} eq 'ARRAY' ? :
61 0 4 if ($param{-'catchwarn'})
66 0 4 if ($param{-'nosession'}) { }
79 1 1 unless $self->is_info
81 1 0 if (not ref $params[0] or ref $params[0] ne 'HASH')
93 1 1 unless $self->is_message
95 1 0 if (not ref $params[0] or ref $params[0] ne 'HASH')
107 1 1 unless $self->is_debug
109 1 0 if (not ref $params[0] or ref $params[0] ne 'HASH')
121 0 2 unless $self->is_warn
123 1 1 if (not ref $params[0] or ref $params[0] ne 'HASH')
135 0 1 unless $self->is_error
137 1 0 if (not ref $params[0] or ref $params[0] ne 'HASH')
152 1 0 if (not ref $params[0] or ref $params[0] ne 'HASH')
168 1 0 if (not ref $params[0] or ref $params[0] ne 'HASH')
182 0 13 unless $self->{'session_id'}
196 5 8 if ($configs)
237 12 1 unless ($self->{'handle'})
247 1 11 if (not $self->{'reopening'} and -s $file)
248 0 1 unless open my $fh, '<', $file
255 0 12 unless open my $fh, '>>', $file
259 1 11 if ($missing)
270 4 1 unless (defined $session_id)
271 0 4 if defined $self->{'log_session_count'} and $self->{'log_session_count'} == 0
290 11 8 unless @level
293 0 8 if $level[0] eq '-log'
296 1 7 if $level[0] eq '-set'
299 1 6 if $level[0] eq '-unset'
302 2 4 if (@level == 1 and $level[0] =~ /^\d$/)
305 9 3 $i++ >= $level[0] ? :
312 1 3 if (@level == 1 and &any(sub { $_ eq $level[0]; } , @LOG_LEVELS))
320 1 5 if $log_level eq $level[0]
323 4 2 $found ? :
373 1 1 if ($action == 1 and not $self->{'old_warn_handle'}) { }
1 0 elsif ($action == 0 and $self->{'old_warn_handle'}) { }
380 0 1 if (ref $_[0])
399 4 9 unless exists $self->{'handle'}
411 3 1 if ($self->{'handle'})