Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 8 18 44.4

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
43 0 0 0 not ref $fh and ref \$fh ne 'GLOB'
125 1 2 0 ref $$self{'filter'} eq 'ARRAY' and not grep(($MSGFROM{$sid} =~ /^$_$/i), @{$$self{'filter'};})
3 0 0 ref $$self{'filter'} eq 'ARRAY' and not grep(($MSGFROM{$sid} =~ /^$_$/i), @{$$self{'filter'};}) and not grep(($MSGTO{$id} =~ /^$_$/i), @{$$self{'filter'};})
136 1 0 2 ref $$self{'group'} eq 'ARRAY' and grep(($fromkey =~ /^$_$/i), @{$$self{'group'};})

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
20 0 1 0 ref $that || $that
136 2 0 1 ref $$self{'group'} eq 'ARRAY' and grep(($fromkey =~ /^$_$/i), @{$$self{'group'};}) or grep(($tokey =~ /^$_$/i), @{$$self{'group'};})