Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 93 111 83.7

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
58 371 1 57 $state == 0 and /\b(translate|maketext|gettext|__?|loc(?:ali[sz]e)?|l|x)/cg
59 256 57 59 $state == 1 and /^([\s\t\n]*)/cg
64 256 0 57 $state == 1 and /^([\S\(])\s*/cg
70 127 87 42 $state == 2 and defined $str
214 42 0 $state == 2 and defined $str and /^(\s*\.\s*)/cg
73 127 87 42 $state == 2 and defined $str_part
89 127 75 12 $state == 2 and /^(\')/cg
90 162 20 20 $state == 3 and /^([^'\\]+)/cg
91 162 12 8 $state == 3 and /^((?:\\.)+)/cgs
92 162 0 12 $state == 3 and /^\'/cg
94 87 57 18 $state == 2 and /^\"/cg
95 90 28 26 $state == 4 and /^([^"\\]+)/cg
96 90 18 10 $state == 4 and /^((?:\\.)+)/cgs
97 90 0 18 $state == 4 and /^\"/cg
99 33 57 0 $state == 2 and /^\`/cg
100 90 0 0 $state == 5 and /^([^\`]*)/cg
101 90 0 0 $state == 5 and /^\`/cg
103 33 56 1 $state == 2 and /^qq\{/cg
104 86 1 2 $state == 6 and /^([^\}]*)/cg
105 86 0 1 $state == 6 and /^\}/cg
107 30 50 6 $state == 2 and /^q\{/cg
108 62 6 12 $state == 7 and /^([^\}]*)/cg
109 62 0 6 $state == 7 and /^\}/cg
115 12 49 1 $state == 2 and /^<<\s*\'/cg
116 59 1 1 $state == 8 and /^([^'\\\n]+)/cg
117 59 1 0 $state == 8 and /^((?:\\.)+)/cg
120 59 0 1 $state == 8 and /^\'/cg
124 10 47 2 $state == 2 and /^<<\s*\"/cg
125 54 2 1 $state == 9 and /^([^"\\\n]+)/cg
126 54 2 0 $state == 9 and /^((?:\\.)+)/cg
129 54 0 2 $state == 9 and /^\"/cg
133 7 44 3 $state == 2 and /^<<(\w*)/cg
140 45 0 6 $state == 10 and /^.*\r?\n/cg
45 0 6 $state == 10 and /^.*\r?\n/cg and s/\G(.*?\r?\n)$heredoc(\r?\n)//s
145 1 1 43 $state == 2 and /^\s*[\)]/cg
160 1 0 1 $state == 2 and /^([^\)]*)/cg

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
74 12 6 24 $quo == 3 or $quo == 7