Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 30 34 88.2

line true false branch
29 6 462 unless defined $h{'msgid'} and defined $h{'msgstr'}
30 9 3 if $h{'fuzzy'} and not $$self{'fuzzy'} and length $h{'msgid'} > 0
32 8 445 if $msgstr eq ''
36 2 443 if ($h{'msgctxt'}) { }
41 1 444 if ($h{'msgid_plural'}) { }
53 0 15 unless open my $F, '<', $pofile
58 465 1497 if (/^(msgid(?:|_plural)|msgctxt) +"(.*)" *$/) { }
463 1034 elsif (/^msgstr(?:\[(\d*)\])? +"(.*)" *$/) { }
60 974 elsif (/^"(.*)" *$/) { }
453 521 elsif (/^ *$/) { }
521 0 elsif (/^#/) { }
60 0 465 if (defined $h{$type})
67 462 1 unless ($h{$type})
72 34 26 if ($type eq 'msgstr') { }
82 12 509 if (/^#, fuzzy/) { }
454 55 elsif (/^#:/) { }
85 0 454 if (defined $h{'msgid'})