Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 51 64 79.6

line true false branch
19 3 6 ref $_[-1] eq 'HASH' ? :
38 0 75 if ref $ns
40 66 9 ref $_[-1] eq 'HASH' ? :
47 50 0 @_ ? :
50 25 $conf->{'skip_defaults_when_given_filters'} ? :
48 0 375 $n =~ /[:']/ ? :
50 34 0 if exists $conf->{'exclude_filters'}{$n} and $conf->{'exclude_filters'}{$n} or exists $conf->{'exclude_filters'}{$name} and $conf->{'exclude_filters'}{$name}
52 341 0 if (Module::Want::have_mod($name)) { }
53 341 0 if (my $cr = $name->can('normalize_maketext_string')) { }
69 0 75 unless (@filters)
74 48 0 $conf->{'run_extra_filters'} ? :
48 27 exists $conf->{'run_extra_filters'} ? :
85 3 72 if (exists $conf->{'maketext_object'})
86 2 1 unless $new_obj->set_maketext_object($conf->{'maketext_object'})
94 3 1 if (ref $mt_obj) { }
95 2 1 if ($mt_obj->can('makethis')) { }
113 77 15 if defined $_[0]{'maketext_object'}
134 0 0 if $_[0]{'run_extra_filters'}
145 4 122 unless (defined $string)
150 0 122 if exists $self->{'cache'}{$string}
183 79 699 if ($filter_modifies_string)
209 694 84 if ($self->{'cache'}{$string}{'status'})
210 39 655 if (not $filter_rc) { }
589 66 elsif ($self->{'cache'}{$string}{'status'} != -1) { }
218 0 43 if not $filter_rc and $self->{'stop_filter_on_error'}
251 68 44 if $_[0]{'aggregate_result'} ne $_[0]{'orig_str'}
273 144 0 unless $self->get_violations
294 1001 384 unless @{$_[0]{'violations'};}
299 859 380 unless @{$_[0]{'warnings'};}
308 158 827 $_[0]->get_warnings ? :
312 156 829 $_[0]->get_violations ? :
325 268 717 if $_[0]{'orig_str'} ne $_[0]{'new_str'}