Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 13 18 72.2

line true false branch
23 0 1 if $@
37 18 223 if $ast and ref $ast eq 'Text::Xslate::Symbol'
38 186 55 unless $ast and ref $ast eq 'ARRAY'
42 11 69 if ($sym->arity eq 'call' and $sym->value eq '(')
44 11 0 if ($first and ref $first eq 'Text::Xslate::Symbol')
45 11 0 if ($first->arity eq 'variable' and $first->value eq 'l')
47 11 0 if ($second and ref $second eq 'ARRAY' and $$second[0] and ref $$second[0] eq 'Text::Xslate::Symbol')
49 10 1 if ($value->arity eq 'literal')
57 80 0 if (not $DEBUG) { }