Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 21 30 70.0

line true false branch
99 10 0 if @_ == 3
102 0 10 unless $format
103 0 10 if $DEBUG > 3
104 1 9 $number < 0 ? :
109 8 2 if (not $$options{'fixed'} || $$options{'scientific'} and $number < 10000000000 and $number == int $number) { }
113 0 2 if exists $$options{'width'}
114 1 1 if (exists $$options{'precision'}) { }
119 0 2 if ($$options{'fixed'}) { }
125 1 1 if (not $$options{'fixed'} || $$options{'scientific'} and $number < 10000000000 and $number == int $number)
131 10 0 if ($format)
134 3 7 if ($$format[1]) { }
141 0 3 if ($t eq '_') { }
153 0 7 if $t ne '.'
158 0 10 if $$options{'leading_zeros'}
161 1 9 if $negative