Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 5 27 18.5

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
6653 52 0 0 $self->numeric eq 'true' and $string =~ /^\p{Nd}^/u
6713 0 0 0 $ce->[0] eq "\000" and $ce->[1] eq "\000"
0 0 0 $ce->[0] eq "\000" and $ce->[1] eq "\000" and $ce->[2] eq "\000"
6725 0 0 0 $ce->[0] eq "\000" and $self->alternate eq 'shifted'
6752 24 22 332 defined $ce->[$count] and $ce->[$count] ne "\000"
6767 0 0 0 $^V ge v5.26 and eval '$character =~ /(?!\\p{Cn})(?:\\p{Block=Tangut}|\\p{Block=Tangut_Components})/'
0 0 0 $^V ge v5.28 and eval '$character =~ /(?!\\p{Cn})\\p{Block=Nushu}/'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
6684 0 0 0 $self->collation_elements->{$codepoint} // $self->generate_ce($codepoint)
6691 142 0 0 $ce //= $self->generate_ce($character)