Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 264 508 51.9

line true false branch
68 21 0 if (defined &CORE::fc) { }
588 0 0 unless $language eq 'und'
613 0 0 if $script
640 0 0 if $region
658 237 96 $_ ? :
665 17 94 $self->_has_likely_subtag ? :
17 94 $self->_has_likely_subtag ? :
17 94 $self->_has_likely_subtag ? :
672 237 96 unless $path[$i] eq 'und' or $path[$i] eq 'Any'
692 91 126 if ($canload) { }
702 19 91 if ($errors)
713 19 91 if (ref $module eq 'Locale::CLDR::Locales::Root')
1155 4 142 unless defined $name
1156 0 142 unless (defined $value)
1182 0 98 unless defined $rules{$rule_number}
1188 163 33 if ($operand =~ / \S /msux) { }
1197 84 14 $opp eq "\327" ? :
1211 0 102 if (@_ > 1 and ref $_[-1] eq 'HASH')
1215 81 21 if (1 == @_ and not ref $_[0])
1226 128 196 unless defined $_
1238 21 81 unless (keys %args)
1240 0 21 ref $_[0] ? :
1245 6 96 if (defined $args{'extensions'} and not ref $args{'extensions'})
1253 98 4 if defined $args{'language_id'}
1254 86 16 if defined $args{'script_id'}
1255 88 14 if defined $args{'region_id'}
1256 86 16 if defined $args{'variant_id'}
1414 66 2 if ($self->_test_default_ca) { }
1424 2 8 if ($default) { }
1440 20 0 if ($self->_test_default_cf) { }
1458 26 7 if ($self->script_id)
1462 26 7 if ($self->region_id)
1466 3 30 if ($self->variant_id)
1470 0 33 if (defined $self->extensions)
1485 0 0 if ($self->language_id eq 'en') { }
1558 3311 0 $self->_has_likely_subtag ? :
1563 3229 82 if ($self->method_cache->{$id}{$method_name})
1566 2450 779 wantarray ? :
1570 82 328 if $module eq 'Moo::Object'
1571 124 204 if (defined &{"${module}::$method_name";})
1576 0 82 unless $self->method_cache->{$id}{$method_name}
1579 67 15 wantarray ? :
1604 1 0 $name->region_id ? :
1 5 ref $name ? :
1612 4 2 if defined $display_name
1616 2 0 unless (ref $name)
1646 5 3 ref $name ? :
1650 7 1 if ($code)
1653 7 0 if (defined $display_name)
1661 1 7 unless (defined $language)
1664 1 0 if (defined $display_name)
1711 3 4 unless (ref $name)
1715 3 4 if (ref $name and not $name->script_id)
1721 3 1 if ($name)
1724 3 0 if (defined $script)
1730 1 3 unless ($script)
1733 1 0 if (defined $script)
1779 5 4 unless (ref $name)
1783 0 9 if (ref $name and not $name->region_id)
1789 7 2 if ($name)
1792 7 0 if (defined $region)
1798 2 7 unless (defined $region)
1801 2 0 if (defined $region)
1847 4 3 unless (ref $name)
1851 3 3 unless $name->variant_id
1853 3 0 if ($name->has_variant)
1857 2 1 if (defined $variant)
1885 0 2 unless exists $valid_keys{$key} or exists $valid_keys{$alias} or exists $valid_keys{$name}
1892 3 0 if defined $return and length $return
1918 0 2 unless exists $valid_keys{$key} or $valid_keys{$alias} or $valid_keys{$name}
1919 2 1 unless $valid_keys{$key}
3 0 unless $valid_keys{$alias}
1 2 unless $valid_keys{$name}
0 3 unless &first(sub { $_ eq $type; } , @{[] unless $valid_keys{$key};}, @{[] unless $valid_keys{$alias};}, @{[] unless $valid_keys{$name};})
1925 3 0 if defined $type
1943 2 4 if $name eq 'METRIC'
1948 6 0 if defined $system
1969 1 0 if length $key
1991 0 3 unless &blessed($locale)
1993 0 3 unless $type =~ / \A (?: language | script | region ) \z /msux
2001 0 3 unless defined $text
2024 0 2 unless defined $orientation
2036 0 0 if ($casing eq 'titlecase-firstword') { }
0 0 elsif ($casing eq 'titlecase-words') { }
0 0 elsif ($casing eq 'lowercase-words') { }
2039 0 0 if ($words[0] =~ / \A \s /msux)
2072 0 10 if $^V lt v5.18.0
2158 2506 160 unless (($first) = $string =~ / \G ($rule->[0]) $rule->[1] /msux)
2173 3 157 (!$grapheme_split && length $gc) > $length ? :
2180 105 59 $rules->[$_][2] ? :
2184 59 105 unless $split
2215 2 4 if @parameters == 1
2217 6 0 unless $parameters[0] eq 'index'
2222 2 7 unless defined $characters
2223 3 4 if CORE::fc($parameters[1]) =~ /$characters/u
2242 0 1 unless defined $characters
2254 0 6 unless defined $ellipsis
2369 0 3 unless defined $quote
2377 0 3 unless defined $quote
2385 0 3 unless defined $quote
2393 0 3 unless defined $quote
2411 3 0 if ($inner == -1 or $outer > -1 and $inner > -1 and $outer < $inner)
2438 0 1 unless defined $info
2530 728 20 if (exists $bundle->units->{$type}{$what}{$plural})
2535 0 20 if (exists $bundle->units->{$type}{$what}{'other'})
2542 10 728 unless ($format)
2547 0 10 unless $type
2549 4 12 if (exists $bundle->units->{$type}{$what}{$plural})
2554 0 12 if (exists $bundle->units->{$type}{$what}{'other'})
2564 6 732 if (not $format and my($dividend, $divisor) = $what =~ /^(.+)-per-(.+)$/u)
2569 0 732 unless $format
2583 6 0 if ($divisor)
2597 0 0 if (exists $bundle->units->{$type}{'per'}{''})
2604 0 0 unless ($format)
2610 0 0 if (exists $bundle->units->{$type}{'per'}{'1'})
2636 0 0 if (exists $bundle->units->{'long'}{$what}{'name'})
2646 0 0 unless $type
2648 0 0 if (exists $bundle->units->{$type}{$what}{'name'})
2663 4 4 if (exists $bundle->units->{$type}{$what}{'per'})
2672 0 2 unless $type
2674 2 0 if (exists $bundle->units->{$type}{$what}{'per'})
2690 0 24 if (exists $bundle->number_symbols->{$symbols_type}{'alias'})
2696 12 12 if exists $bundle->number_symbols->{$symbols_type}{'timeSeparator'}
2719 7 2 if $parsed =~ s/$entry/$self->format_number(shift @data, $num_format);/eu
2749 1 1 $test_str =~ $bundle->yesstr ? :
2766 1 1 $test_str =~ $bundle->nostr ? :
2797 0 0 ref $_ ? :
2802 0 0 if $@
2803 0 0 if $@
2822 0 0 unless pos $text < length $text
2836 0 0 if ($to_transform)
2838 0 0 if ($rule->{'type'} eq 'transform') { }
2857 0 0 if ($_ eq 'nfc') { }
0 0 elsif ($_ eq 'nfd') { }
0 0 elsif ($_ eq 'nfkd') { }
0 0 elsif ($_ eq 'nfkc') { }
0 0 elsif ($_ eq 'lower') { }
0 0 elsif ($_ eq 'upper') { }
0 0 elsif ($_ eq 'title') { }
0 0 elsif ($_ eq 'null') { }
0 0 elsif ($_ eq 'remove') { }
2898 0 0 if length $rule->{'before'} and not $text =~ /$rule->{'before'}\G/u
2900 0 0 if length $rule->{'after'}
2902 0 0 if length $rule->{'after'}
2903 0 0 if ($text =~ s/\G$regex/eval $result;/eu)
2933 1 4 unless @data
2934 1 3 if 1 == @data
2944 1 2 if (my $pattern = $list_data{scalar @data})
3027 0 16 if (exists $months->{$default_calendar}{'alias'})
3032 4 12 if (exists $months->{$default_calendar}{$type}{$width}{'alias'})
3038 8 4 if defined $result
3040 0 0 if ($default_calendar ne 'gregorian')
3100 0 13 if (exists $days->{$default_calendar}{'alias'})
3105 3 10 if (exists $days->{$default_calendar}{$type}{$width}{'alias'})
3110 7 3 if keys %$result
3112 0 0 if ($default_calendar ne 'gregorian')
3173 0 12 if (exists $quarters->{$default_calendar}{'alias'})
3178 3 9 if (exists $quarters->{$default_calendar}{$type}{$width}{'alias'})
3184 6 3 if keys %$result
3186 0 0 if ($default_calendar ne 'gregorian')
3251 0 0 $time < 1200 ? :
3270 0 38 if (exists $am_pm->{$default_calendar}{'alias'})
3275 0 38 if (exists $am_pm->{$default_calendar}{$type}{'alias'})
3280 9 29 if (exists $am_pm->{$default_calendar}{$type}{$width}{'alias'})
3290 80 60 unless exists $return{$_}
3378 0 9 if (exists $eras->{$default_calendar}{'alias'})
3383 0 9 if (exists $eras->{$default_calendar}{$width}{'alias'})
3393 9 0 if keys %$result
3395 0 0 if ($default_calendar ne 'gregorian')
3467 0 9 if (exists $date_formats->{'alias'})
3473 9 0 if $result
3475 0 0 if ($default_calendar ne 'gregorian')
3521 0 9 if (exists $time_formats->{$default_calendar}{'alias'})
3527 9 0 if ($result)
3533 0 0 if ($default_calendar ne 'gregorian')
3578 0 5 if (exists $datetime_formats->{$default_calendar}{'alias'})
3584 5 0 if $result
3586 0 0 if ($default_calendar ne 'gregorian')
3664 0 0 if $result
3697 0 0 if $result
3712 0 0 if $result
3720 1 0 $self->time_format_short =~ /h|K/u ? :
3746 0 163 unless length $regex
3778 99 0 if $set =~ /^ \s* # Possible white space \[ # Opening set ^? # Possible negation (?: # One of [^\[\]]++ # Not an open or close set | # Or (?<=\\)[\[\]] # An open or close set preceded by | # Or (?: \s* # Possible white space (?&posix) # A posix class (?! # Not followed by \s* # Possible white space [&-] # A Unicode regex op \s* # Possible white space \[ # A set opener ) ) )+ \] # Close the set \s* # Possible white space $ $posix /ux
99 0 if ($normal)
3950 2 2 if exists $week_data_hash->{$region_id}
3954 0 8 unless defined $region_id
3955 2 6 if exists $week_data_hash->{$region_id}
3987 2 1 if ($self->_test_default_fw)
4057 0 1 if ($context eq 'numeric') { }
4074 0 2 if (exists $month_patterns->{$default_calendar}{'alias'})
4080 1 1 if (exists $month_patterns->{$default_calendar}{$context}{$width}{'alias'})
4087 1 0 if $result
4089 0 0 if ($default_calendar ne 'gregorian')
4095 1 0 if ($result)
4126 0 3 if (my $alias_calendar = $cyclic_name_set->{$default_calendar}{'alias'})
4131 0 3 if (my $type_alias = $cyclic_name_set->{$default_calendar}{$type}{'alias'})
4136 1 2 if (my $width_alias = $cyclic_name_set->{$default_calendar}{$type}{$context}{$width}{'alias'})
4148 1 1 if @$return
4277 0 2 if defined $default_currency_format and $default_currency_format ne 'standard' and $default_currency_format ne 'account'
4290 0 22 if (exists $format->{$default_numbering_system}{'alias'})
4295 0 22 if (exists $format->{$default_numbering_system}{'pattern'}{'default'}{$default_currency_format}{'alias'})
4301 22 0 if exists $format->{$default_numbering_system}{'pattern'}{'default'}{$default_currency_format}
4304 11 11 if $default_currency_format eq 'account'
4310 11 11 defined $format->{$default_numbering_system}{'pattern'}{'default'}{$default_currency_format}{'negative'} ? :
4395 8 9 if $self->_test_default_cu
4399 0 9 unless ($region_id)
4406 9 0 if exists $default_currencies->{$region_id}
4410 0 0 unless $region_id
4411 0 0 if (exists $default_currencies->{$region_id})
4433 17 0 if $symbol
4545 0 1 if @_ % 2
4555 0 1 if @_ % 2
4562 0 8 unless grep {$_ eq $plural;} 'zero', 'one', 'two', 'few', 'many', 'other'
4586 2 7 unless $text =~ /\[/u
4593 2 6 if (length $raw)
4607 0 8 unless length $text
4612 0 8 if not length $method and length $text
4616 0 8 if $method =~ /^\[.*\[/u
4620 0 8 if (my($number) = $method =~ / \[ \s* _ [0-9]+ \s* \] /ux)
4621 0 0 if ($number == 0) { }
4640 6 2 if ($is_plural)
4646 0 8 unless exists $methods{lc $method}
4654 8 0 scalar @params ? :
8 0 scalar @params ? :
4672 0 0 unless $type ~~ ['ordinal', 'cardinal']
4675 0 0 unless $gender ~~ ['masculine', 'feminine', 'nuter']
4678 0 0 defined $declention ? :
4688 0 0 if exists $formats{$name}
4730 0 3 if (ref $params[-1] eq 'HASH')
4777 0 0 if $override = $bundle->collation->{$type}
4780 0 0 if ($type ne 'standard' and not $override)
4782 0 0 if $override = $bundle->collation->{'standard'}
4792 0 0 if ref $self->extensions and $self->extensions->{'co'}
4797 0 0 if $collation_type = $bundle->collation_type
4806 0 0 if ref $self->extensions and $self->extensions->{'ka'}
4811 0 0 if $collation_alternate = $bundle->collation_alternate
4820 0 0 if ref $self->extensions and $self->extensions->{'kb'}
4825 0 0 if $collation_backwards = $bundle->collation_backwards
4834 0 0 if ref $self->extensions and $self->extensions->{'kc'}
4839 0 0 if $collation_case_level = $bundle->collation_case_level
4848 0 0 if ref $self->extensions and $self->extensions->{'kf'}
4853 0 0 if $collation_case_ordering = $bundle->collation_case_ordering
4862 0 0 if ref $self->extensions and $self->extensions->{'kk'}
4867 0 0 if $collation_normalization = $bundle->collation_normalization
4876 0 0 if ref $self->extensions and $self->extensions->{'kn'}
4881 0 0 if $collation_numeric = $bundle->collation_numeric
4890 0 0 if ref $self->extensions and $self->extensions->{'kr'}
4895 0 0 if ref($collation_reorder = $bundle->collation_reorder) and @$collation_reorder
4905 0 0 if ($collation_strength)
4907 0 0 unless $collation_strength + 0
4915 0 0 if $collation_strength = $bundle->collation_strength
4924 0 0 if ref $self->extensions and $self->extensions->{'kv'}
4929 0 0 if $collation_max_variable = $bundle->collation_max_variable