Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 274 0.0

line true false branch
811 0 0 $val eq '26' ? :
827 0 0 if ($setregices{"-$j"}) { }
0 0 elsif (defined $setregices{"-$j"}) { }
845 0 0 if (&fetchparms(\$html, \%parms, 1, @_)) { }
863 0 0 &fetchparms(\$html, \%parms, 1, @_) ? :
871 0 0 &fetchparms(\$html, \%parms, 0, @_) ? :
893 0 0 ref $v ? :
894 0 0 unless @_
895 0 0 if ($v =~ s/^\-([a-zA-Z]+)/$1/)
898 0 0 if (defined $t) { }
900 0 0 ref $t ? :
910 0 0 unless ($fromFile)
913 0 0 $$html ? :
916 0 0 if (open HTMLIN, $parm0) { }
923 0 0 if $useLWP
924 0 0 unless (defined $$html and $$html =~ /\S/o)
943 0 0 unless defined $one and defined $parms->{$one}
944 0 0 if (ref($parms->{$one}) =~ /ARRAY/o) { }
0 0 elsif ($parms->{$one} =~ /(ARRAY|HASH)\(.*\)/o) { }
946 0 0 defined $listsep ? :
985 0 0 if ($parmnos =~ s/([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z_]*)\s+([a-zA-Z])/$2/) { }
0 0 elsif ($parmnos =~ s/(\d+\,\d+)((?:\,\d+)*)\s+([a-zA-Z])/$3/) { }
999 0 0 if (ref $$parms{$listparms[0]} eq 'HASH' and defined $vectorlist[0] and defined ${$$parms{$listparms[0]};}{$vectorlist[0]}) { }
0 0 elsif (defined $vectorlist[0] and $vectorlist[0] =~ /^\d+$/o) { }
1010 0 0 if ($keys[$i] eq $forlist[$j])
1023 0 0 if (ref $$parms{$listparms[0]} eq 'HASH')
1036 0 0 if $parmnos =~ s/([+-]?\d+)\.\./../o
1037 0 0 if $parmnos =~ s/\.\.([+-]?\d+)//o
1039 0 0 if $parmnos =~ s/\|([+-]?\d+)//o
1041 0 0 unless $parmnos eq $parmnos0
1042 0 0 if (ref $$parms{$listparms[0]} eq 'HASH') { }
1045 0 0 if ($#vectorlist >= 0)
1052 0 0 if ($keys[$i] eq $forlist[$j])
1061 0 0 unless defined $iend
1069 0 0 unless (defined $iend)
1072 0 0 ref $$parms{$listparms[0]} eq 'ARRAY' ? :
1081 0 0 if ($istart <= $iend) { }
1083 0 0 if $i > $iend or $iinc <= 0
1087 0 0 if $i < $iend or $iinc >= 0
1102 0 0 if (" @listparms " =~ /\s$j\s/) { }
1105 0 0 if (ref($parms->{$j}) =~ /HASH/io) { }
0 0 elsif (ref($parms->{$j}) =~ /ARRAY/io) { }
0 0 elsif ($parms->{$j} =~ /^\$(\w+)/o) { }
1136 0 0 if ($@)
1147 0 0 unless defined $loopparms{$j}
1176 0 0 if (ref $$parms{$listparms[0]} eq 'HASH') { }
0 0 elsif (ref $$parms{$listparms[0]} eq 'ARRAY') { }
1180 0 0 unless (defined $loopparms{$j})
1193 0 0 unless (defined $loopparms{$j})
1220 0 0 unless $valuparm
1222 0 0 if ($valuparm) { }
1225 0 0 unless $dispvalu =~ /\S/o
1233 0 0 if (ref($parms->{$selparm}) =~ /ARRAY/o) { }
1238 0 0 if ($valu eq do { $$parms{$selparm} }->[$i])
1247 0 0 if $valu eq $parms->{$selparm}
1257 0 0 if ($selpart =~ s/\:(\w+)\s*>$//o)
1293 0 0 if (defined $roothtmlhome and $roothtmlhome =~ /\S/o)
1298 0 0 if (open HTMLIN, $fidurl) { }
1305 0 0 if $useLWP
1306 0 0 unless (defined $html and $html =~ /\S/o)
1312 0 0 if ($tag)
1314 0 0 unless $html =~ s/^.*\<\!\-\-\s+BEGIN\s+$tag\s*\-\-\>//is
1320 0 0 $modhtmlflag ? :
1327 0 0 if ($fid)
1334 0 0 if (open HTMLIN, $fid) { }
1342 0 0 if $useLWP
1343 0 0 unless (defined $expn and $expn =~ /\S/o)
1346 0 0 unless $dfltexpn =~ /\S/o
1353 0 0 if $expn =~ /\`/o
1361 0 0 unless defined $x
1376 0 0 unless $one
1394 0 0 if ($two =~ /VALUE\s*=\"[^\"]*\"/io or $one =~ /CHECKBOX/io) { }
1400 0 0 if defined $parms->{$parmno}
1402 0 0 if (ref $parms->{$parmno} eq 'ARRAY') { }
0 0 elsif (defined $parms->{$parmno} and defined $myvalue and $parms->{$parmno} eq $myvalue or not defined $myvalue and $one =~ /CHECKBOX/io and $parms->{$parmno} =~ /\S/o) { }
1406 0 0 if ($i eq $myvalue)
1441 0 0 if (defined $parms->{$parmno}) { }
0 0 elsif ($dflt =~ /\S/o) { }
1451 0 0 if (defined $val)
1453 0 0 if ($rtn =~ /\sVALUE\s*\=/io) { }
1481 0 0 defined $parms->{$1} ? :
1492 0 0 if (defined $parms->{$one})
1501 0 0 if $evalsok
1513 0 0 if ($x) { }
1515 0 0 if (defined $ifhtml1) { }
1527 0 0 if (defined $ifhtml2) { }
1573 0 0 if $two =~ s/\%(.*)\%//o
1580 0 0 unless defined $one and ref $parms eq 'HASH' and defined $parms->{$one} and quotemeta $parms->{$one}
1581 0 0 defined $three ? :
0 0 if (defined $three ? $three =~ s/^\[(.*?)\]/$1/ : 0) { }
0 0 elsif ($picture) { }
1584 0 0 unless &makaswap($parms, $1)
1590 0 0 if ($picture =~ s/^&(.*)/$1/) { }
1594 0 0 unless $picfn =~ /\:\:/o
1598 0 0 if $picfn =~ s/\((.*)\)//o
1601 0 0 if (@args) { }
1645 0 0 if $two =~ s/\%(.*)\%//o
1649 0 0 if ($picture) { }
1651 0 0 if ($picture =~ s/^&(.*)/$1/) { }
1655 0 0 unless $picfn =~ /\:\:/o
1658 0 0 if $picfn =~ s/\((.*)\)//o
1660 0 0 if (@args) { }
1710 0 0 if defined do { "h1_$one" }->{$two}
1750 0 0 if (ref $parms->{$two} eq 'HASH') { }
1753 0 0 if ($one =~ s/value[s]?=(\")?:(\w+)\1?//i) { }
0 0 elsif ($one =~ s/BYVALUE//io) { }
1784 0 0 if ($one =~ s/value[s]?=(\")?:(\#)([\+\-\*]\d+)?\1?//i) { }
0 0 elsif ($one =~ s/value[s]?=(\")?:(\w+)\1?//i) { }
0 0 elsif ($one =~ s/value[s]?\s*=\s*(\")?:\#([\+\-\*]\d+)?\1?//i) { }
1811 0 0 if ($one =~ s/REVERSED?//io)
1820 0 0 if ($one =~ s/(default|defaultsel)\s*=\s*\"(.*?)\"//io or $one =~ s/(default|defaultsel)\s*=\s*(\:?\S+)//io)
1828 0 0 if (ref $parms->{$1} eq 'ARRAY') { }
1846 0 0 if (do { $$options{$dfltindex{$dflttype}} }->[$i] =~ /^$one$/) { }
1866 0 0 if ($cfgOps{'loops'})
1872 0 0 if $cfgOps{'hashes'}
1875 0 0 if $cfgOps{'CGIScript'}
1883 0 0 if $one =~ s/\:(\w+)//o
1884 0 0 if ($one =~ s/\((.*)\)\s*$//) { }
1894 0 0 if $cfgOps{'includes'}
1896 0 0 if ($cfgOps{'pocs'})
1898 0 0 if $cfgOps{'pocs'}
1899 0 0 if $cfgOps{'pocs'}
1919 0 0 if $cfgOps{'numbers'}
1922 0 0 if $cfgOps{'hashes'}
1927 0 0 if ($evalsok) { }
1935 0 0 if $cfgOps{'perls'}
1945 0 0 if (defined $hrefhtmlhome)
1949 0 0 if (defined $hrefcase) { }
1951 0 0 if ($hrefcase eq 'l') { }
1969 0 0 if (defined $htmlhome and $htmlhome =~ /\S/o)
1973 0 0 if (defined $hrefcase) { }
1975 0 0 if ($hrefcase eq 'l') { }
2014 0 0 if $one =~ s/\:(\w+)//o
2016 0 0 if $cfgOps{'embeds'}
2061 0 0 unless $usetoday
2072 0 0 unless $haveTime2fmtstr
2085 0 0 @_ ? :