Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 20 26 76.9

line true false branch
26 0 2 unless @_
30 0 0 unless defined $_ or defined $last
32 2 10 if defined $_ and defined $last and $_ eq $last
42 0 1 unless @_
46 0 0 unless defined $_ or defined $last
48 2 4 if defined $_ and defined $last and lc $_ eq lc $last
61 11 2 if (defined $_) { }
62 6 5 unless $mem{lc $_}++
64 1 1 unless $undef_added++
73 1 6 if $vals{$_}++
81 2 5 if $vals{lc $_}++
90 2 5 if keys %vals > 1
99 1 6 if keys %vals > 1