Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 89 89 100.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
79 1 1 142 ${$refL;}{$_} =~ /^\d+$/ and ${$refL;}{$_} > 0
86 1 1 131 ${$refR;}{$_} =~ /^\d+$/ and ${$refR;}{$_} > 0
120 19 1 1430 ${$l;}{$_} =~ /^\d+$/ and ${$l;}{$_} > 0
124 19 1 1403 ${$r;}{$_} =~ /^\d+$/ and ${$r;}{$_} > 0
151 1 1 5586 $$hashrefsref[$i]{$k} =~ /^\d+$/ and $$hashrefsref[$i]{$k} > 0
350 800 104 408 $xsubset[$f][$g] and $xsubset[$g][$f]
363 8 2 160 $index =~ /^\d+$/ and $index <= ${$dataref;}{'maxindex'}
382 3 8 188 $_ =~ /^\d+$/ and $_ <= ${$dataref;}{'maxindex'}
392 8 2 160 $index =~ /^\d+$/ and $index <= $maxindex
411 2 8 176 $_ =~ /^\d+$/ and $_ <= $maxindex
552 3 5 72 $i =~ /^\d+$/ and $i <= $last_index
591 85 88 144 @args == 1 and ref $args[0] eq 'HASH'
595 14 14 116 ${$hashref;}{'lists'} and ref ${$hashref;}{'lists'} eq 'ARRAY'
611 154 3 119 @args == 1 and ref $args[0] eq 'HASH'
616 3 3 113 ${$hashref;}{'lists'} and ref ${$hashref;}{'lists'} eq 'ARRAY'
631 8 2 16 @args == 1 and ref $args[0] eq 'HASH'
635 2 2 12 ${$hashref;}{'lists'} and ref ${$hashref;}{'lists'} eq 'ARRAY'
638 2 2 8 ${$hashref;}{'items'} and ref ${$hashref;}{'items'} eq 'ARRAY'
650 57 32 68 @args == 1 and ref $args[0] eq 'HASH'
655 4 4 60 ${$hashref;}{'lists'} and ref ${$hashref;}{'lists'} eq 'ARRAY'
673 34 42 70 @args == 1 and ref $args[0] eq 'HASH'
678 5 5 60 ${$hashref;}{'lists'} and ref ${$hashref;}{'lists'} eq 'ARRAY'
699 2 2 8 ${$hashref;}{'lists'} and ref ${$hashref;}{'lists'} eq 'ARRAY'

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
269 2819 924 $$superset{$_} or return 0

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
93 2 2 23 keys %badentriesL or keys %badentriesR
127 20 2 213 keys %badentriesL or keys %badentriesR
371 18 105 12 @_ == 0 or @_ == 2
403 16 98 12 @_ == 0 or @_ == 2
599 70 1 102 $args[0] eq '-u' or $args[0] eq '--unsorted'
662 32 1 56 $args[0] eq '-u' or $args[0] eq '--unsorted'