Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 4 198 2.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
1156 0 0 0 -d $adap_d and $adap_d =~ /adapter(\d+)/
1172 0 0 0 $type ne 'DVB-T' and not $showall
1682 0 0 0 exists $scan_href->{'lcn'}{$tsid} and exists $scan_href->{'lcn'}{$tsid}{$pnr}
1782 0 0 0 $lcn_href and $lcn_href->{'lcn'}
1845 0 0 0 $scan_href->{'pr'}{$chan}{'video'} and $scan_href->{'pr'}{$chan}{'audio'}
2238 0 0 0 not exists $tuning_href->{'freqfile'} and keys %{$$tuning_href{'freqfile'};}
2393 0 0 0 not $tuned and @tuning_list
2578 0 0 0 $set and $this_set
2740 0 0 0 $video_pid and not $error
2744 0 0 0 $audio_pid and not $error
2748 0 0 0 $teletext_pid and not $error
2752 0 0 0 $subtitle_pid and not $error
2921 0 0 0 $lcn_a && $lcn_b
3375 0 0 0 $channels_aref and $tuning_href
4564 0 0 0 defined $tsid && defined $pid_href->{'tsid'}
4728 0 0 0 exists $demux_href->{'demux_params'} and $demux_href->{'demux_params'}
5122 0 0 0 $device_href->{'adapter_num'} == $adapter and $device_href->{'frontend_num'} == $fe
5253 0 0 0 $demux_href->{'pidtype'} ne 'audio' and $demux_href->{'pidtype'} ne 'video'
5355 0 0 0 not $pid_href and $pmt

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
1037 0 0 $level || 0
1171 0 0 $info_href->{'type'} || ''
1400 0 0 $scan_info_href->{'chans'} ||= {}
1401 0 0 $scan_info_href->{'tsids'} ||= {}
1402 0 0 $scan_info_href->{'tsid_order'} ||= []
1638 0 0 $scan_info_href->{'chans'}{$name} ||= {'comments', []}
1641 0 0 $scan_info_href->{'tsids'}{$tsid} ||= {'comments', []}
2349 0 0 $scan_info_href->{'tsid_order'} ||= []
2437 0 0 $frequency || '0'
2919 0 0 $tuning_href->{'pr'}{$a}{'lcn'} || 0
2920 0 0 $tuning_href->{'pr'}{$b}{'lcn'} || 0
3356 0 0 $section ||= 0
3520 0 0 $dates{$chan} ||= {'start_min', $epg_entry->{'start'}, 'end_max', $epg_entry->{'stop'}, 'start_date', $date, 'start', $start, 'end_date', $end_date, 'end', $end}
3606 0 0 $epg_entry->{'genre'} || ''
0 0 $epg_entry->{'tva_prog'} || ''
0 0 $epg_entry->{'tva_series'} || ''
3692 0 0 $tsid ||= '0'
3716 0 0 $frontend_href->{'tsid'} || ''
4328 0 0 $options{'lang'} || ''
4329 0 0 $options{'sublang'} || ''
4330 0 0 $options{'out'} || ''
4348 0 0 $files{$file} ||= {'chans', 0, 'pids', 0}
4357 0 0 $spec_href->{'offset'} || 0
4358 0 0 $spec_href->{'duration'} || 0
4374 0 0 $spec_href->{'event_id'} || -1
4377 0 0 $href->{'timeslip_start'} ||= 0
4378 0 0 $href->{'timeslip_end'} ||= 0
4402 0 0 $spec_href->{'max_timeslip'} || 3600
4409 0 0 $spec_href->{'chans'} ||= []
4490 0 0 $spec_href->{'pids'} ||= []
4721 0 0 $multiplex_info{'files'}{$file}{$_} || 0
4738 0 0 $multiplex_info{'files'}{$file}{$_} || 0
5194 0 0 $self->{'_multiplex_info'}{'files'}{$file} ||= {'destfile', $file, 'offset', 0, 'duration', 0, 'title', '', 'warnings', [], 'errors', [], 'lines', [], 'demux', [], 'title', ''}

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
906 0 5 0 ref $obj || $obj
1145 5 0 0 not $devices_href or keys %args
1694 0 0 0 not defined $tsids{$tsid}{'frequency'} or $tsids{$tsid}{'frequency'} != $freq
1821 0 0 0 $scan_href->{'pr'}{$chan}{'type'} == $SERVICE_TYPE{'tv'} or $scan_href->{'pr'}{$chan}{'type'} == $SERVICE_TYPE{'hd-tv'}
1836 0 0 0 $service_video or $service_audio
2935 0 0 0 $tuning_href->{'pr'}{$channel_name}{'type'} || $SERVICE_TYPE{'tv'}
2945 0 0 0 $tuning_href->{'pr'}{$channel_name}{'lcn'} || $channel_num
3392 0 0 0 $tuning_href->{'pr'}{$channel}{'lcn'} || $chan_href->{'channel_num'}
3481 0 0 0 $channel_lookup_href->{$chan}{'channel_num'} || $chan
3482 0 0 0 $channel_lookup_href->{$chan}{'channel'} || $chan
3697 0 0 0 $pid < 0 or $pid > $MAX_PID
4238 3 0 4 @{$spec_href->{'pids'};} or @{$spec_href->{'chans'};}
4357 0 0 0 $href->{'offset'} ||= Linux::DVB::DVBT::Utils::time2secs($spec_href->{'offset'} || 0)
4358 0 0 0 $href->{'duration'} ||= Linux::DVB::DVBT::Utils::time2secs($spec_href->{'duration'} || 0)
4361 0 0 0 $href->{'title'} ||= $spec_href->{'title'}
4374 0 0 0 $href->{'event_id'} ||= $spec_href->{'event_id'} || -1
4392 0 0 0 $href->{'timeslip_start'} or $href->{'timeslip_end'}
4413 0 0 0 $chan_href->{'lang'} || $def_lang
4414 0 0 0 $chan_href->{'sublang'} || $def_lang_sub
4415 0 0 0 $chan_href->{'out'} || $def_out
4427 0 0 0 $tsid ||= $frontend_params_href->{'tsid'}
4563 0 0 0 $tsid ||= $pid_href->{'tsid'}
4564 0 0 0 not defined $tsid && defined $pid_href->{'tsid'} or $tsid ne $pid_href->{'tsid'}
5229 0 0 0 $self->{'_multiplex_info'}{'tsid'} ||= $tsid
5318 0 0 0 $self->{'_multiplex_info'}{'tsid'} ||= $tsid