Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 24 93 25.8

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
424 11 4 $alias_href and scalar keys %$alias_href

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
123 0 0 0 $tsid and exists $tuning_href->{'ts'}{$tsid}
555 12 8 32 not $pid and @audio_details
696 2 0 3 not $pid and @subtitle_details
937 0 0 1 $dir and $href
1115 0 0 0 $old_href and $new_href
1209 0 0 0 $old_href and $new_href
1486 0 0 0 exists $new_old_info_href->{'old'}{'tsid-pnr'}{"$tsid-$pnr"} and $new_old_info_href->{'old'}{'tsid-pnr'}{"$tsid-$pnr"} ne $chan
1900 0 0 1 $freqs_href and keys %$freqs_href
2024 0 0 1782 $pnr and $tsid
2273 0 0 0 defined $a_href->{$field} and defined $b_href->{$field}
0 0 0 defined $a_href->{$field} and defined $b_href->{$field} and $a_href->{$field} > 0
0 0 0 defined $a_href->{$field} and defined $b_href->{$field} and $a_href->{$field} > 0 and $a_href->{$field} > 0

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
509 14 4 $language_spec ||= ''
650 1 1 $language_spec ||= ''
661 1 0 $demux_params_href->{'subtitle_details'} || ''
748 5 4 $out_spec ||= 'av'
868 7 434 $demux_params_href->{'subtitle_details'} || ''
1109 0 0 $scan_info_href ||= {}
1119 0 0 $old_href->{$region} ||= {}
1203 0 0 $scan_info_href ||= {}
1204 0 0 $scan_info_href->{'chans'} ||= {}
1205 0 0 $scan_info_href->{'tsids'} ||= {}
1260 0 0 $scan_info_href->{'chans'} ||= {}
1261 0 0 $scan_info_href->{'tsids'} ||= {}
1296 0 0 $scan_info_href->{'tsids'}{$tsid} ||= {'comments', []}
1364 0 0 $scan_info_href->{'chans'}{$chan} ||= {'comments', []}
1397 0 0 $scan_info_href->{'chans'}{$chan} ||= {'comments', []}
1442 0 0 $scan_info_href->{'chans'}{$chan} ||= {'comments', []}
1471 0 0 $scan_info_href->{'chans'} ||= {}
1472 0 0 $scan_info_href->{'tsids'} ||= {}
1506 0 0 $scan_info_href->{'chans'}{$chan} ||= {'comments', []}
2282 0 0 $use ||= 'strength'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
572 2 6 6 @lang or not $pid
713 0 0 1 @lang or not $pid
1030 0 0 0 $a_int <=> $b_int || $tsid_a cmp $tsid_b
1319 0 0 0 not $options_href->{'num_chans'} or $new_chans == $old_chans
2050 150 0 0 $dvb_pr{$_}{'name'} || $_