Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 12 24 50.0

line true false branch
69 1 3 if ($arch_style eq 'linux') { }
1 2 elsif ($arch_style eq 'gentoo') { }
133 0 8 if (-f $boot_list{$key})
138 1 1 if (wantarray) { }
0 1 elsif (@boot_loader == 1) { }
168 2 0 if (not @filelist and opendir DIRH, '/sys/block')
174 0 0 if (-b "/dev/$_")
177 0 0 if ($strings =~ /$loader/ms)
184 0 2 if (wantarray) { }
0 2 elsif (@boot_loader == 1) { }
0 2 elsif (@boot_loader == 2) { }
194 0 0 if ($boot_loader[0] eq 'lilo' and $boot_loader[1] eq 'grub')