Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 32 54 59.2

line true false branch
50 0 7 unless my $template = Mojo::Loader::data_section(@{$self->template;})
52 0 7 if ref $output
67 9 23 if $attr =~ /url$/u
70 4 1 unless $self->type eq 'link'
79 12 16 if $DOM_SEL{$sel[0]}
82 48 4 unless my $e = $dom->at($sel)
84 4 0 if defined $val
92 0 5 if $self->force_secure
96 0 5 if $self->force_secure and $tx->res->is_success
106 1 4 if $name
109 0 5 if $ct =~ m[^image/]u
110 0 5 if $ct =~ m[^video/]u
111 1 4 if $ct =~ m[^text/plain]u
112 4 1 if $ct =~ m[^text/html]u
122 0 4 if $v = $self->_el($dom, '[itemprop="author"] [itemprop="name"]')
123 0 4 if $v = $self->_el($dom, '[itemprop="author"] [itemprop="email"]')
124 0 4 if $v = $self->_el($dom, ':desc')
125 0 4 if $v = $self->_el($dom, 'meta[property="og:image:height"]')
126 0 4 if $v = $self->_el($dom, ':image')
127 0 4 if $v = $self->_el($dom, 'meta[property="og:image:width"]')
128 4 0 if $v = $self->_el($dom, ':title')
139 0 0 if defined $self->{'error'} and not ref $self->{'error'}
140 0 0 if $self->{'status'} and $self->{'status'} =~ /^\d+$/u
161 1 0 @$path ? :
167 0 5 unless ref $self eq 'LinkEmbedder::Link::Basic'
168 0 5 unless $self->type eq 'rich'
170 0 5 if ($self->title eq 'Jitsi Meet' or $tx->res->body =~ /\bJitsiMeetJS\b/u)