Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 118 291 40.5

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
231 12 0 0 not defined $class and exists $$Lingua::Zompist::Barakhinei::classtab{$verb}
235 12 0 0 not defined $class and $verb =~ /a$/
236 12 0 0 not defined $class and $verb =~ /\352$/
237 12 0 0 not defined $class and $verb =~ /i$/
240 10 0 2 $class == 1 and $stem =~ s/\352$//
5 0 2 $class == 3 and $stem =~ s/\352$//
0 0 3 $class == 5 and $stem =~ s/\352$//
295 7 4 1 $class == 4 || $class == 5 and $verb =~ /${vow}[dtp][\352ai]$/o
334 12 0 0 not defined $class and exists $$Lingua::Zompist::Barakhinei::classtab{$verb}
338 12 0 0 not defined $class and $verb =~ /a$/
339 12 0 0 not defined $class and $verb =~ /\352$/
340 12 0 0 not defined $class and $verb =~ /i$/
343 8 0 4 $class == 1 and $stem =~ s/\352$//
4 0 2 $class == 3 and $stem =~ s/\352$//
0 0 2 $class == 5 and $stem =~ s/\352$//
421 5 0 0 not defined $class and exists $$Lingua::Zompist::Barakhinei::classtab{$verb}
425 5 0 0 not defined $class and $verb =~ /a$/
426 5 0 0 not defined $class and $verb =~ /\352$/
427 5 0 0 not defined $class and $verb =~ /i$/
430 4 0 1 $class == 1 and $stem =~ s/\352$//
2 0 1 $class == 3 and $stem =~ s/\352$//
0 0 1 $class == 5 and $stem =~ s/\352$//
461 5 0 0 not defined $class and exists $$Lingua::Zompist::Barakhinei::classtab{$verb}
465 5 0 0 not defined $class and $verb =~ /a$/
466 5 0 0 not defined $class and $verb =~ /\352$/
467 5 0 0 not defined $class and $verb =~ /i$/
470 4 0 1 $class == 1 and $stem =~ s/\352$/t/
2 0 1 $class == 3 and $stem =~ s/\352$/m/
0 0 1 $class == 5 and $stem =~ s/\352$/t/
511 5 0 0 not defined $class and exists $$Lingua::Zompist::Barakhinei::classtab{$verb}
515 5 0 0 not defined $class and $verb =~ /a$/
516 5 0 0 not defined $class and $verb =~ /\352$/
517 5 0 0 not defined $class and $verb =~ /i$/
520 4 0 1 $class == 1 and $stem =~ s/\352$/k/
2 0 1 $class == 3 and $stem =~ s/\352$/n/
0 0 1 $class == 5 and $stem =~ s/\352$/r/
558 6 0 0 not defined $class and exists $$Lingua::Zompist::Barakhinei::classtab{$verb}
562 6 0 0 not defined $class and $verb =~ /a$/
563 6 0 0 not defined $class and $verb =~ /\352$/
564 6 0 0 not defined $class and $verb =~ /i$/
567 5 0 1 $class == 1 and $stem =~ s/\352$//
2 0 1 $class == 3 and $stem =~ s/\352$//
0 0 1 $class == 5 and $stem =~ s/\352$//
631 10 0 0 not defined $class and exists $$Lingua::Zompist::Barakhinei::classtab{$verb}
635 10 0 0 not defined $class and $verb =~ /a$/
636 10 0 0 not defined $class and $verb =~ /\352$/
637 10 0 0 not defined $class and $verb =~ /i$/
640 8 0 2 $class == 1 and $stem =~ s/\352$//
4 0 2 $class == 3 and $stem =~ s/\352$//
0 0 2 $class == 5 and $stem =~ s/\352$//
745 28 0 26 not defined $gender and exists $$Lingua::Zompist::Barakhinei::gendertab{$noun}
751 0 0 0 $noun =~ /$consend/o and defined $plural
0 0 0 $noun =~ /$consend/o and defined $plural and $plural =~ /i$/
0 0 0 $noun =~ /(?:$cons|i)$/o and defined $plural
0 0 0 $noun =~ /(?:$cons|i)$/o and defined $plural and $plural =~ /[ou]$/
0 0 0 $noun =~ /\342$/ and defined $plural
0 0 0 $noun =~ /\342$/ and defined $plural and $plural =~ /ao$/
0 0 0 $noun =~ /(?:$cons|i)$/o and defined $plural
0 0 0 $noun =~ /(?:$cons|i)$/o and defined $plural and $plural =~ /[\342\352]$/
0 0 0 $noun =~ /\342$/ and defined $plural
0 0 0 $noun =~ /\342$/ and defined $plural and $plural =~ /ach$/
771 28 0 26 not defined $plural and exists $$Lingua::Zompist::Barakhinei::pluraltab{$noun}
777 0 0 0 $noun =~ /$consend/o and $gender eq 'masc'
0 0 0 $noun =~ /a$/ and $gender eq 'masc'
0 0 0 $noun =~ /u$/ and $gender eq 'masc'
0 0 0 $noun =~ /$consend/o and $gender eq 'neut'
0 0 0 $noun =~ /i$/ and $gender eq 'neut'
0 0 0 $noun =~ /u$/ and $gender eq 'neut'
0 0 0 $noun =~ /\342$/ and $gender eq 'neut'
0 0 0 $noun =~ /$consend/o and $gender eq 'fem'
0 0 0 $noun =~ /u$/ and $gender eq 'fem'
0 0 0 $noun =~ /i$/ and $gender eq 'fem'
0 0 0 $noun =~ /\352$/ and $gender eq 'fem'
0 0 0 $noun =~ /\342$/ and $gender eq 'fem'
810 14 0 0 $sgstem =~ /u$/ and $plstem =~ s/li$//
0 0 4 $sgstem =~ s/a$// and $plstem =~ s/\342$//
823 12 4 4 $sgstem =~ /$consend/o and $plstem =~ s/o$//
12 0 4 $sgstem =~ /$consend/o and $plstem =~ s/u$//
8 0 4 $sgstem =~ s/i$// and $plstem =~ s/u$//
4 0 4 $sgstem =~ s/u$// and $plstem =~ s/i$//
0 0 4 $sgstem =~ s/\342$// and $plstem =~ s/ao$//
842 12 4 4 $sgstem =~ /$consend/o and $plstem =~ s/\342$//
12 0 4 $sgstem =~ /$consend/o and $plstem =~ s/\352$//
8 0 4 $sgstem =~ /i$/ and $plstem =~ s/i\352/i/
4 0 4 $sgstem =~ s/\352$// and $plstem =~ s/\352$//
0 0 4 $sgstem =~ s/\342$// and $plstem =~ s/\342$//
0 0 0 $sgstem =~ /u$/ and $plstem =~ s/l\342$//
0 0 0 $sgstem =~ /u$/ and $plstem =~ s/\342$//
899 4 3 1 not defined $rootcons and exists $$Lingua::Zompist::Barakhinei::rootconstab{$adj}

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
255 2 2 8 $class == 1 or $class == 4
4 3 5 $class == 1 or $class == 4 or $class == 5
3 2 0 $class == 2 or $class == 3
295 2 3 7 $class == 4 || $class == 5
358 4 2 6 $class == 1 or $class == 2
6 2 4 $class == 1 or $class == 2 or $class == 3
597 2 1 3 $verb =~ /a$/ or $class == 3
905 2 2 4 $stem =~ /$consend/o or length $rootcons