Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 20 35 57.1

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
139 4 0 8 defined $input && $input =~ /\A[\-\.\d]+\z/msx
174 20 0 0 $n == 0 and $tmp =~ /$zero/
16 4 0 $_ == 1 and $n == 1
20 0 0 $_ == 1 and $n == 1 and not $tmp
181 4 8 0 $num < 1000 and $mag != $#chunks
12 0 0 $num < 1000 and $mag != $#chunks and not $out =~ /$zero/

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
161 4 4 $input ||= '0'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
89 0 0 3 $charset =~ /^gb/i or $charset =~ /^euc-cn$/i
139 4 0 8 not defined $input && $input =~ /\A[\-\.\d]+\z/msx or $input >= 1000000000000000
173 12 8 28 $tmp or $n
174 0 0 20 $n == 0 and $tmp =~ /$zero/ or $_ == 1 and $n == 1 and not $tmp
195 4 0 4 $out || $dig[0]