Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 17 30 56.6

line true false branch
109 0 2 unless defined $charset
111 0 2 if $charset =~ /^gb/i or $charset =~ /^euc-cn$/i
112 2 0 if $charset =~ /big5/i
113 2 0 if exists ${"${class}::MAP";}{lc $charset}
150 0 4 if $input =~ s/\.(.*)//
151 0 4 if $input =~ s/^\-//
158 4 0 $] >= 5.005 ? :
165 13 15 unless $tmp or $n
166 3 0 unless $n == 0 and $tmp =~ /$zero/ or $_ == 1 and $n == 1 and not $tmp
168 15 0 if $n
171 7 0 unless $tmp eq $dig[0]
172 6 1 if $tmp
173 0 4 if $num < 1000 and $mag != $#chunks and not $out =~ /$zero/
179 4 0 unless $out eq $dig[0]
181 0 4 if ($delta)