Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 24 36 66.6

line true false branch
20 0 123 unless ref $this
61 286 12 if (&blessed($word) and $word->isa('Lingua::YaTeA::WordFromCorpus')) { }
65 28 258 if ($tag_set->existTag('PREPOSITIONS', $lex->getIF)) { }
78 12 0 if (&blessed($word) and $word->isa('Lingua::YaTeA::LexiconItem'))
81 2 10 if ($tag_set->existTag('PREPOSITIONS', $word->getIF)) { }
114 3 119 if (defined $this->getTestifiedTerms)
221 70 0 if (&blessed($this) and $this->isa('Lingua::YaTeA::MultiWordPhrase')) { }
240 306 0 if ($tc->getLength < $tc_max_length)
244 240 66 if (not exists $$term_candidates_h{$tc->getKey}) { }
249 0 240 if (&blessed($this) and $this->isa('Lingua::YaTeA::MultiWordTermCandidate')) { }
262 0 0 if (defined $option_set->getOption('monolexical-included') and $option_set->getOption('monolexical-included')->getValue == 1 and (&blessed($tc) and $tc->isa('Lingua::YaTeA::MonolexicalTermCandidate')) and !defined($option_set->getOption('monolexical-all')) || $option_set->getOption('monolexical-all')->getValue == 0)
290 70 236 if ($tc->getID == $max_tc->getID)
328 3 0 if (defined $index)
358 0 0 if ($occurrence->isMaximal)
374 129 195 if (&blessed($term_candidate) and $term_candidate->isa('Lingua::YaTeA::MultiWordTermCandidate'))
376 28 101 if ($term_candidate->getRootHead->getID == $current->getID)
381 37 92 if ($term_candidate->getRootModifier->getID == $current->getID)
406 0 0 if ($w == $word)