Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 130 458 28.3

line true false branch
36 300 300 if (not defined $this->{'LEFT_EDGE'}) { }
71 49 0 if (&blessed($this) and $this->isa('Lingua::YaTeA::Edge')) { }
74 10 39 if ($father->{'LEFT_EDGE'} == $this) { }
93 0 0 if (&blessed($this) and $this->isa('Lingua::YaTeA::Edge'))
96 0 0 if ($father->{'LEFT_EDGE'} == $this) { }
110 227 458 if ($this->{'LEFT_STATUS'} eq 'HEAD')
122 0 0 if ($this->{'LEFT_STATUS'} eq 'MODIFIER')
178 20 0 if (scalar @$uncomplete_a != 0)
192 112 0 if ($depth < 50) { }
193 112 0 if ($this->getLeftEdge eq '') { }
202 28 84 if (defined $this->getPreposition)
206 8 104 if (defined $this->getDeterminer)
210 110 2 if ($this->getRightEdge eq '') { }
235 685 0 if (defined $head)
237 685 0 if ($depth < 50) { }
258 0 0 unless (defined $fh)
270 0 0 if (&blessed($left_edge) and $left_edge->isa('Lingua::YaTeA::RootNode')) { }
279 0 0 if (defined $this->{'PREP'})
285 0 0 if (defined $this->{'DET'})
303 0 0 unless (defined $fh)
311 0 0 if (&blessed($this) and $this->isa('Lingua::YaTeA::InternalNode'))
320 0 0 if (defined $this->getPreposition)
323 0 0 if (&blessed(scalar $this->getPreposition) and $this->getPreposition->isa('Lingua::YaTeA::TermLeaf')) { }
333 0 0 if (defined $this->getDeterminer)
336 0 0 if (&blessed(scalar $this->getPreposition) and $this->getPreposition->isa('Lingua::YaTeA::TermLeaf')) { }
355 0 0 if (&blessed($left_edge) and $left_edge->isa('Lingua::YaTeA::Node'))
359 0 0 if (&blessed($right_edge) and $right_edge->isa('Lingua::YaTeA::Node'))
368 111 0 if (&blessed($this) and $this->isa('Lingua::YaTeA::RootNode'))
403 5 60 if ($n->getID != $this->getID)
408 5 0 if (defined $head and (&blessed($head) and $head->isa('Lingua::YaTeA::TermLeaf')))
416 4 1 if (&blessed($node) and $node->isa('Lingua::YaTeA::Node')) { }
420 4 0 if (defined $mode)
423 4 0 if ($mode ne 'DISJUNCTION') { }
426 1 3 if ($mode =~ /INCLUSION/) { }
429 0 1 if ($mode =~ /REVERSED/) { }
445 0 1 if ($place eq 'LEFT') { }
461 1 0 if ($place eq 'RIGHT')
479 3 0 if ($mode eq 'ADJUNCTION')
491 4 0 if ($above->hitch($place, $below, $words_a, $fh))
511 1 0 if (defined $head and (&blessed($head) and $head->isa('Lingua::YaTeA::TermLeaf')))
515 0 1 if (&blessed($node) and $node->isa('Lingua::YaTeA::Node'))
519 0 0 if (defined $mode)
521 0 0 if ($mode ne 'DISJUNCTION')
524 0 0 if ($mode =~ /INCLUSION/) { }
526 0 0 if ($mode =~ /REVERSED/) { }
541 0 0 if ($mode eq 'ADJUNCTION')
565 63 1 if (defined $fh)
574 64 0 if ($this->checkCompatibility($place, $to_add, $fh)) { }
581 64 0 if (&blessed($to_add) and $to_add->isa('Lingua::YaTeA::RootNode'))
586 0 64 if (&blessed($$this{$place . '_EDGE'}) and $$this{$place . '_EDGE'}->isa('Lingua::YaTeA::InternalNode'))
624 0 0 if (&blessed($$this{$head_position . '_EDGE'}) and $$this{$head_position . '_EDGE'}->isa('Lingua::YaTeA::TermLeaf')) { }
646 64 0 if ($this->getID != $to_add->getID)
658 64 0 if ($to_add->searchHead(0)->getIndex == $this->getEdge($place)->searchHead(0)->getIndex)
665 64 0 if ($this->checkNonCrossing($to_add, $fh))
716 0 64 if (scalar @$above_gaps_a > 1)
728 0 0 if (exists $gap->{$index})
738 0 0 if (scalar @gaps > 1)
740 0 0 if (scalar @gaps == 2)
744 0 0 if (defined $pivot)
758 0 0 if ($index != $previous + 1 and $pivot == $previous + 1 and !defined($both[$i + 1]) || $pivot == $both[$i + 1])
795 271 0 if ($$depth_r < 50) { }
796 208 63 if (&blessed($this) and $this->isa('Lingua::YaTeA::RootNode')) { }
811 151 120 if (&blessed(scalar $this->getLeftEdge) and $this->getLeftEdge->isa('Lingua::YaTeA::TermLeaf')) { }
817 120 0 if (defined $edge)
822 106 165 if (&blessed(scalar $this->getRightEdge) and $this->getRightEdge->isa('Lingua::YaTeA::TermLeaf')) { }
829 165 0 if (defined $edge)
851 1 6 if (&blessed($left) and $left->isa('Lingua::YaTeA::Node'))
865 0 0 if ($$depth_r < 50) { }
869 0 0 if (&blessed($right) and $right->isa('Lingua::YaTeA::Node'))
890 0 0 if ($place eq 'LEFT') { }
892 0 0 if (&blessed($this) and $this->isa('Lingua::YaTeA::RootNode')) { }
903 0 0 if (defined $this->getDeterminer)
907 0 0 if (defined $this->getPreposition)
911 0 0 if (&blessed(scalar $this->getLeftEdge) and $this->getLeftEdge->isa('Lingua::YaTeA::Node')) { }
929 0 0 if ($place eq 'RIGHT') { }
931 0 0 if (&blessed($this) and $this->isa('Lingua::YaTeA::RootNode')) { }
942 0 0 if (defined $this->getPreposition)
946 0 0 if (defined $this->getDeterminer)
950 0 0 if (&blessed(scalar $this->getRightEdge) and $this->getRightEdge->isa('Lingua::YaTeA::Node')) { }
974 0 0 unless (defined $previous or defined $next)
987 179 0 if ($$depth_r < 50) { }
988 28 151 if (&blessed(scalar $this->getLeftEdge) and $this->getLeftEdge->isa('Lingua::YaTeA::InternalNode')) { }
997 47 132 if (defined $this->getPreposition)
1003 14 165 if (defined $this->getDeterminer)
1008 66 113 if (&blessed(scalar $this->getRightEdge) and $this->getRightEdge->isa('Lingua::YaTeA::InternalNode')) { }
1028 1 45 if (&blessed(scalar $this->getLeftEdge) and $this->getLeftEdge->isa('Lingua::YaTeA::InternalNode')) { }
1038 10 36 if (defined $this->getPreposition)
1045 2 44 if (defined $this->getDeterminer)
1051 0 46 if (&blessed(scalar $this->getRightEdge) and $this->getRightEdge->isa('Lingua::YaTeA::InternalNode')) { }
1060 1 45 if (&blessed($this) and $this->isa('Lingua::YaTeA::InternalNode')) { }
1081 80 0 if ($$depth_r < 50) { }
1083 3 77 if (&blessed(scalar $this->getLeftEdge) and $this->getLeftEdge->isa('Lingua::YaTeA::Node')) { }
1091 28 49 if ($this->getLeftEdge->getIndex == $index)
1098 51 1 unless (defined $node)
1100 6 45 if (&blessed(scalar $this->getRightEdge) and $this->getRightEdge->isa('Lingua::YaTeA::Node')) { }
1108 41 4 if ($this->getRightEdge->getIndex == $index)
1128 11 0 if (&blessed(scalar $this->getLeftEdge) and $this->getLeftEdge->isa('Lingua::YaTeA::TermLeaf')) { }
1138 0 11 if (defined $this->getPreposition)
1142 0 11 if (defined $this->getDeterminer)
1146 9 2 if (&blessed(scalar $this->getRightEdge) and $this->getRightEdge->isa('Lingua::YaTeA::TermLeaf')) { }
1180 109 9 if (&blessed(scalar $this->getLeftEdge) and $this->getLeftEdge->isa('Lingua::YaTeA::TermLeaf')) { }
1217 26 92 if (defined $this->getPreposition)
1225 6 112 if (defined $this->getDeterminer)
1233 79 39 if (&blessed(scalar $this->getRightEdge) and $this->getRightEdge->isa('Lingua::YaTeA::TermLeaf')) { }
1273 26 92 if ($this->getHeadPosition eq 'LEFT') { }
1311 26 92 if ($this->{'LEFT_STATUS'} eq 'HEAD')
1321 0 0 if ($this->{'LEFT_STATUS'} eq 'MODIFIER')
1336 0 0 if (&blessed($left) and $left->isa('Lingua::YaTeA::Node'))
1350 0 0 if (&blessed($right) and $right->isa('Lingua::YaTeA::Node'))
1361 383 0 if ($depth < 50) { }
1362 332 51 if (&blessed(scalar $this->getLeftEdge) and $this->getLeftEdge->isa('Lingua::YaTeA::TermLeaf')) { }
1370 114 269 if (defined $this->getPreposition)
1374 36 347 if (defined $this->getDeterminer)
1378 225 158 if (&blessed(scalar $this->getRightEdge) and $this->getRightEdge->isa('Lingua::YaTeA::TermLeaf')) { }
1384 158 0 if (defined $this->getRightEdge)
1414 0 0 if ($place =~ /LEFT|RIGHT/)
1416 0 0 if (not defined $node) { }
1422 0 0 if (&blessed(scalar $node->getEdge($place)) and $node->getEdge($place)->isa('Lingua::YaTeA::Node') or $node->getEdge($place)->getIndex != $previous_index or $node->getEdgeStatus($place) ne 'HEAD')
1430 0 0 if (defined $node->searchHead(0)) { }
1432 0 0 if ($new_previous_index < $internal_node->searchHead(0)->getIndex)
1444 0 0 if ($place =~ /LEFT|RIGHT/)
1446 0 0 if (&blessed(scalar $node->getEdge($place)) and $node->getEdge($place)->isa('Lingua::YaTeA::Node') or $node->getEdge($place)->getIndex != $next_index or $node->getEdgeStatus($place) ne 'HEAD')
1454 0 0 if (defined $node->searchHead(0)) { }
1456 0 0 if ($new_next_index > $internal_node->searchHead(0)->getIndex)
1478 0 0 if ($record = $parsing_pattern_set->existRecord($left_index_set->buildPOSSequence($words_a, $tag_set)))
1484 0 0 if (defined $node)
1486 0 0 if ($place ne 'PREP' and $place ne 'DET')
1493 0 0 if ($node->hitch($place, $intermediate_node_set->getRoot, $words_a)) { }
1504 0 0 if ($attached == 0)
1511 0 0 if ($record = $parsing_pattern_set->existRecord($right_index_set->buildPOSSequence($words_a, $tag_set)))
1521 0 0 if (defined $node)
1524 0 0 if ($node->hitch($place, $intermediate_node_set->getRoot, $words_a, $fh)) { }
1550 0 0 if ($index < $to_insert) { }
1556 0 0 if (&blessed($node) and $node->isa('Lingua::YaTeA::InternalNode') and $node->getFather->getEdgeStatus($position) eq 'HEAD' and $position eq 'LEFT' && $node->getRightEdge->searchLeftMostLeaf->getIndex < $to_insert || $position eq 'RIGHT' && $node->getFather->getRightEdge->searchLeftMostLeaf->getIndex < $to_insert)
1582 0 0 if ($index > $to_insert)
1588 0 0 if (&blessed($node) and $node->isa('Lingua::YaTeA::InternalNode') and $node->getEdgeStatus($position) eq 'HEAD' and $position eq 'LEFT' && $node->getFather->getLeftEdge->searchRightMostLeaf->getIndex > $to_insert || $position eq 'RIGHT' && $node->getLeftEdge->searchRightMostLeaf->getIndex > $to_insert)
1628 0 0 if (&blessed(scalar $this->getLeftEdge) and $this->getLeftEdge->isa('Lingua::YaTeA::TermLeaf')) { }
1635 0 0 if ($this->getLeftEdge->getIndex == $index)
1655 0 0 if (defined $this->getPreposition)
1657 0 0 if ($this->getPreposition->getIndex == $index)
1662 0 0 if (defined $this->getDeterminer)
1664 0 0 if ($this->getDeterminer->getIndex == $index)
1670 0 0 unless (&blessed($node) and $node->isa('Lingua::YaTeA::Node'))
1672 0 0 if (&blessed(scalar $this->getRightEdge) and $this->getRightEdge->isa('Lingua::YaTeA::TermLeaf')) { }
1678 0 0 if ($this->getRightEdge->getIndex == $index)
1745 22 0 if (&blessed(scalar $this->getLeftEdge) and $this->getLeftEdge->isa('Lingua::YaTeA::TermLeaf')) { }
1748 0 22 if ($$previous_r != -1 and $this->getLeftEdge->getIndex > $$previous_r + 1) { }
1769 0 0 if ($infos_a->[0] == -1) { }
1776 0 0 if (&blessed($infos_a->[0]) and $infos_a->[0]->isa('Lingua::YaTeA::Node'))
1784 0 22 if (defined $this->getPreposition)
1787 0 0 if ($$previous_r != -1 and $this->getPreposition->getIndex > $$previous_r + 1) { }
1805 0 22 if (defined $this->getDeterminer)
1808 0 0 if ($$previous_r != -1 and $this->getDeterminer->getIndex > $$previous_r + 1) { }
1827 18 4 if (&blessed(scalar $this->getRightEdge) and $this->getRightEdge->isa('Lingua::YaTeA::TermLeaf')) { }
1833 0 18 if ($$previous_r != -1 and $this->getRightEdge->getIndex > $$previous_r + 1) { }
1854 4 0 if (&blessed(scalar $this->getRightEdge) and $this->getRightEdge->isa('Lingua::YaTeA::Node')) { }
1856 0 4 if ($this->getRightEdge->searchLeftMostLeaf->getIndex > $$previous_r + 1)
1872 0 4 if ($infos_a->[0] == -1)
1876 0 4 if (&blessed($infos_a->[0]) and $infos_a->[0]->isa('Lingua::YaTeA::Node'))
1894 0 0 if ($this->getLeftEdge->searchHead(0)->getIndex != $previous) { }
1898 0 0 if (defined $node)
1919 0 0 if ($this->getRightEdge->searchHead(0)->getIndex != $next) { }
1922 0 0 if (defined $node)
1966 0 0 if ($gap_index_set->getSize > 1) { }
1971 0 0 if (&blessed($pattern) and $pattern->isa('Lingua::YaTeA::ParsingPattern')) { }
1977 0 0 if ($success == 1)
1981 0 0 if ($tree->getSimplifiedIndexSet->simplify($partial_index_set, $additional_node_set, $tree, -1) == -1)
1982 0 0 if ($gap_index_set->simplify($partial_index_set, $additional_node_set, $tree, -1) == -1)
1992 0 0 if ($success == 0)
1995 0 0 if ($success == 0)
2008 0 0 if ($success == 1)
2033 0 0 if ($parsing_direction eq 'LEFT')
2036 0 0 if ($success == 0) { }
2039 0 0 if ($success == 1)
2050 0 0 if ($parsing_direction eq 'RIGHT')
2053 0 0 if ($success == 0) { }
2056 0 0 if ($success == 1)
2088 0 0 if ($tag_set->existTag('DETERMINERS', $words_a->[$index]->getPOS)) { }
2092 0 0 if (&blessed($this) and $this->isa('Lingua::YaTeA::InternalNode')) { }
2101 0 0 if (not defined $this->getDeterminer) { }
2116 0 0 unless ($tag_set->existTag('PREPOSITIONS', $words_a->[$index]->getIF))
2121 0 0 if (defined $place and $place =~ /EDGE/)
2123 0 0 if (not defined $node) { }
2128 0 0 if (&blessed(scalar $node->getEdge($place)) and $node->getEdge($place)->isa('Lingua::YaTeA::Node') or $node->getEdge($place)->getIndex != $previous or $node->getEdgeStatus($place) ne 'HEAD')
2137 0 0 if ($new_previous->getIndex < $index)
2148 0 0 unless (defined $node)
2152 0 0 if (defined $node and $place =~ /(LEFT|RIGHT)/)
2163 0 0 if (&blessed(scalar $node->getEdge($place)) and $node->getEdge($place)->isa('Lingua::YaTeA::Node') or $node->getEdge($place)->getIndex != $next or $node->getEdgeStatus($place) ne 'HEAD')
2172 0 0 if (defined $new_next and $new_next->getIndex > $index) { }
2187 0 0 if ($parsing_direction eq 'LEFT')
2194 0 0 if ($record = $parsing_pattern_set->existRecord($pos))
2199 0 0 if (defined $hook_node and $hook_node->hitch($place, $node_set->getRoot, $words_a)) { }
2206 0 0 unless (defined $hook_node)
2211 0 0 if ($attached == 0)
2219 0 0 if ($record = $parsing_pattern_set->existRecord($pos))
2224 0 0 if ($hook_node->hitch($place, $node_set->getRoot, $words_a))
2235 0 0 if ($parsing_direction eq 'RIGHT' or $attached == 0)
2250 0 0 if ($record = $parsing_pattern_set->existRecord($pos))
2256 0 0 if (&blessed($hook_node) and $hook_node->isa('Lingua::YaTeA::Node')) { }
2258 0 0 if ($hook_node->hitch($place, $node_set->getRoot, $words_a))
2268 0 0 if ($node_set->getRoot->hitch('LEFT', $this, $words_a))
2278 0 0 if ($attached == 0)
2289 0 0 if ($record = $parsing_pattern_set->existRecord($pos))
2295 0 0 if (&blessed($hook_node) and $hook_node->isa('Lingua::YaTeA::Node')) { }
2299 0 0 if ($hook_node->hitch($place, $node_set->getRoot, $words_a, $fh))
2310 0 0 if ($node_set->getRoot->hitch('RIGHT', $this, $words_a))
2334 0 0 if ($parsing_direction eq 'LEFT') { }
2351 0 0 if ($pattern = $this->getPatternOnTheLeft($POS, $parsing_pattern_set, $parsing_direction) and $pattern == 0)
2368 0 0 if ($pattern = $this->getPatternOnTheRight($POS, $parsing_pattern_set, $parsing_direction) and $pattern == 0)
2393 0 0 if ($POS =~ /^$qm_key/)
2417 0 0 if ($POS =~ /$qm_key$/)
2444 0 0 if ($first->getDirection eq $parsing_direction) { }
2446 0 0 if ($second->getDirection eq $parsing_direction) { }
2448 0 0 if ($first->getNumContentWords > $second->getNumContentWords) { }
2454 0 0 if ($first->getNumContentWords < $second->getNumContentWords) { }
2471 0 0 if ($second->getDirection eq $parsing_direction) { }
2477 0 0 if ($first->getNumContentWords > $second->getNumContentWords) { }
2483 0 0 if ($first->getNumContentWords < $second->getNumContentWords) { }
2512 19 4 if ($insertion_type eq 'RIGHT')
2517 0 19 if ($hook->getEdgeStatus($place) eq 'MODIFIER' and $hook->getEdge($other_place{$place})->searchRightMostLeaf->getIndex > $below_index_set->getFirst) { }
2554 0 0 if (&blessed($hook) and $hook->isa('Lingua::YaTeA::InternalNode')) { }
2566 0 19 if (defined $intermediate)
2568 0 0 if ($intermediate->searchLeftMostLeaf->getIndex < $below_index_set->getFirst)
2576 0 23 if ($insertion_type eq 'LEFT')
2582 0 0 if (&blessed($hook) and $hook->isa('Lingua::YaTeA::InternalNode')) { }
2592 0 0 if (defined $intermediate)
2594 0 0 if ($intermediate->searchRightMostLeaf(\$depth)->getIndex > $below_index_set->getLast)
2608 0 11 if (&blessed(scalar $this->getLeftEdge) and $this->getLeftEdge->isa('Lingua::YaTeA::Node'))
2612 2 9 if (&blessed(scalar $this->getRightEdge) and $this->getRightEdge->isa('Lingua::YaTeA::Node'))