Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 29 34 85.2

line true false branch
35 594 18 if (&blessed($this) and $this->isa('Lingua::YaTeA::WordFromCorpus')) { }
37 6 588 if ($Lingua::YaTeA::Corpus::tt_counter != 0)
41 2 586 if ($$split_after == 0)
45 18 568 if ($this->isSentenceBoundary($sentence_boundary) == 1 or $this->isDocumentBoundary($document_boundary) == 1)
54 214 354 if ($this->isChunkingFrontier($chunking_data))
56 214 0 if ($Lingua::YaTeA::Corpus::tt_counter == 0)
64 12 6 if (&blessed($this) and $this->isa('Lingua::YaTeA::ForbiddenStructureMark')) { }
66 6 6 if ($this->isOpener) { }
70 2 4 if ($$action eq 'split')
77 6 0 if ($this->isCloser) { }
80 4 2 if ($Lingua::YaTeA::Corpus::tt_counter == 0 and $this->getAction ne 'split') { }
94 6 0 if (&blessed($this) and $this->isa('Lingua::YaTeA::TestifiedTermMark'))
95 3 3 if ($this->isOpener) { }
101 3 0 if ($this->isCloser)
111 12 348 if ($Lingua::YaTeA::Corpus::forbidden_counter != 0 and $Lingua::YaTeA::Corpus::tt_counter == 0)
117 8 4 if ($$action eq 'delete') { }
137 612 0 if (defined $fh) { }