Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 26 32 81.2

line true false branch
178 65 31 if $self->source and $sources{$self->source}{'languages'}{$self->language}
197 1 64 unless $sources{$self->source}{'languages'}{$self->language}
214 0 189 unless $word
216 189 0 if $self->casefold
217 189 0 if $self->normalize
220 4 185 if $exceptions and exists $$exceptions{$word}
225 179 6 unless $self->cache
229 2 4 if exists $self->_cache_data->{$self->source}{$self->language}{$word}
240 10 75 if wantarray
243 73 2 if @_
252 0 50 if ref $words ne 'ARRAY'
266 1 2 if ($source and $sources{$source}) { }
2 0 elsif (not $source) { }
279 2 1 unless $language
281 4 0 if $sources{$_}
295 1 3 if (not $self->cache)