Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 47 63 74.6

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
118 0 24 $num =~ /^(.+)(?:\Q$Lingua::SU::Nums2Words::Dec_char\E)?$/o and @words = _handle_int $1
165 45 4 $n3 > 1 and @words = ($Lingua::SU::Nums2Words::Digit_words{$n3}, 'ratus')

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
103 24 0 4 $num =~ /^(.+)[Ee](.+)$/ and @words = (_handle_neg_dec $1, $Lingua::SU::Nums2Words::Exp_word, _handle_neg_dec $2)
118 24 0 8 $num =~ /^(.+)\Q$Lingua::SU::Nums2Words::Dec_char\E(.+)$/o and @words = (_handle_int $1, $Lingua::SU::Nums2Words::Dec_word, _handle_dec $2)
24 0 0 $num =~ /^\Q$Lingua::SU::Nums2Words::Dec_char\E(.+)$/o and @words = ($Lingua::SU::Nums2Words::Digit_words{'0'}, $Lingua::SU::Nums2Words::Dec_word, _handle_dec $1)
161 17 2 0 $n1 == 1 and $order == 1
19 0 0 $n1 == 1 and $order == 1 and @words = 'sa-'
10 9 36 $n3 == 0 and $n2 == 0
19 17 19 $n3 == 0 and $n2 == 0 and $n1 > 0
165 49 0 6 $n3 == 1 and @words = 'sa-ratus'
168 3 0 6 $n1 == 0 and push @words, 'sa-puluh'
1 0 2 $n1 == 1 and push @words, 'sa-belas'
179 45 7 3 $n3 > 0 and $n2 == 0
52 1 2 $n3 > 0 and $n2 == 0 and $n1 > 0

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
168 2 1 $n1 == 0 and push @words, 'sa-puluh' or $n1 == 1 and push @words, 'sa-belas' or push @words, $Lingua::SU::Nums2Words::Digit_words{$n1}, 'belas'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
118 8 0 24 $num =~ /^(.+)\Q$Lingua::SU::Nums2Words::Dec_char\E(.+)$/o and @words = (_handle_int $1, $Lingua::SU::Nums2Words::Dec_word, _handle_dec $2) or $num =~ /^\Q$Lingua::SU::Nums2Words::Dec_char\E(.+)$/o and @words = ($Lingua::SU::Nums2Words::Digit_words{'0'}, $Lingua::SU::Nums2Words::Dec_word, _handle_dec $1)
161 0 2 0 $n1 == 1 and $order == 1 and @words = 'sa-' or @words = $Lingua::SU::Nums2Words::Digit_words{$n1}
168 6 0 3 $n1 == 0 and push @words, 'sa-puluh' or $n1 == 1 and push @words, 'sa-belas'
182 10 9 36 $n3 != 0 or $n2 != 0
19 19 17 $n3 != 0 or $n2 != 0 or $n1 != 0
210 42 0 129 not length $w or $w eq 'se'
42 10 119 not length $w or $w eq 'se' or not @_