Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 67 106 63.2

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
84 45 7 3 $case =~ /^a/i && $object =~ /^animate/i
93 0 29 26 $epilog and exists $epilog->{'root'}
124 371 0 38 $multi =~ /^plural/i && $number == 1
300 45 26 $case =~ /^a/i && $object =~ /^animate/i
127 0 243 166 $epilog and exists $epilog->{'root'}
178 805 0 136 $multi =~ /^plural/i && $d == 1
183 1049 0 136 $multi =~ /^plural/i && $d == 1
199 0 1334 380 $epilog and exists $epilog->{'root'}
451 29440 5020 4040 $case =~ /^a/i and $object =~ /^animate/i
457 1327 224 163 $case =~ /^a/i and $object =~ /^animate/i
1551 158 5 $case =~ /^a/i and $object =~ /^animate/i and $multi =~ /^plural/i
470 1597 0 172 @$prolog && @$s
0 0 36 defined $prolog->[0] && length $prolog->[0]
136 36 0 ~~@$prolog < 2 and not defined $prolog->[0] && length $prolog->[0]
479 0 0 136 $k and $m
489 44 0 128 defined $p and length $p
509 0 0 0 defined $prolog->{$k} and length $prolog->{$k}
585 0 1 0 $$case and $$case =~ /^[gd]/
591 0 1 0 $$case and $$case =~ /^[gi]/
597 0 1 0 $$case and $$case =~ /^[ad]/
603 0 1 0 $$case and $$case =~ /^[ai]/
610 0 1 0 $$case and $$case =~ /^[ap]/
614 0 1 64 $$case and $$case =~ /^[ap]/
618 0 1 0 $$case and $$case =~ /^[ap]/
624 0 0 70 $$case and $$case =~ /^[agi]/
630 0 1 0 $$case and $$case =~ /^[adp]/
644 0 1104 17 ref $epilog eq "HASH" and exists $epilog->{'root'}
1104 17 0 ref $epilog eq "HASH" and exists $epilog->{'root'} and exists $epilog->{'ends'}
928 0 0 17 exists $epilog->{'gender'} and $epilog->{'gender'} =~ /^\s*(m|f|n)/i

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
62 1194 576 $cfg{'gender'} || 'masculine'
65 1747 23 $cfg{'case'} || 'nominative'
68 1214 556 $cfg{'multi'} || 'singular'
71 1019 751 $cfg{'object'} || 'inanimate'
500 1209 561 $cfg->{'prolog'} // (return [])

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
449 4330 34110 60 $bsw{$case}{$g}{'unit'}[$_] //= $bsw{$case}{'masculine'}{'unit'}[$_]
451 443 3597 0 $bsw{'a'}{$g}{'animate'}[$_] //= $bsw{'a'}{'masculine'}{'animate'}[$_]
470 1597 0 172 not @$prolog && @$s or ~~@$prolog < 2 and not defined $prolog->[0] && length $prolog->[0]