Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 118 148 79.7

line true false branch
46 1 55 if ($knum eq "\x{5143}")
54 48 87 unless (defined $k)
59 1 86 unless (defined $val)
64 30 56 if ($val >= 10) { }
67 5 25 unless ($knext)
71 1 24 unless (defined $val_next)
78 2 22 if ($val_next > 10) { }
623 0 0 unless ($year or $month or $date or $jun)
628 10 36 if $wday
629 34 12 if ($month)
632 1 33 if ($jun)
636 29 17 if ($date) { }
14 3 elsif ($year) { }
637 29 0 if length $edate
639 1 28 if $date == 32
640 25 4 if ($year) { }
648 2 12 if (length $edate > 0)
670 9 8 if ($date2->{'month'})
671 0 9 unless ($date1->{'month'})
676 17 0 if ($date1->{'month'}) { }
677 6 11 if ($date1->{'wday'} and $date2->{'wday'}) { }
7 4 elsif ($date1->{'date'} and $date2->{'date'}) { }
678 0 6 unless ($date1->{'date'} and $date2->{'date'})
686 2 4 $date2->{'month'} ? :
2 4 $date2->{'month'} ? :
690 0 7 if ($date1->{'wday'} or $date2->{'wday'})
699 3 4 $date2->{'month'} ? :
702 0 4 if ($date1->{'date'} or $date2->{'date'})
706 0 4 unless ($date2->{'month'})
716 0 0 if ($date1->{'wday'} and $date2->{'wday'})
717 0 0 unless ($date1->{'date'} and $date2->{'date'})
725 16 1 if ($date1->{'year'})
726 12 4 $usecomma ? :
727 14 2 if (not $date2->{'year'} or $date2->{'year'} == $date1->{'year'}) { }
732 2 0 $usecomma ? :
749 49 7 unless ($c)
752 2 54 unless ($text)
759 0 1728 if ($verbose)
768 0 71 if ($verbose)
774 70 261 unless $arg
777 0 261 if ($verbose)
781 1 260 if ($argdo eq 'e1') { }
1 259 elsif ($argdo eq 'j1') { }
0 259 elsif ($argdo eq 'y1') { }
1 258 elsif ($argdo eq 'e2') { }
1 257 elsif ($argdo eq 'j2') { }
0 257 elsif ($argdo eq 'y2') { }
43 214 elsif ($argdo eq 'e') { }
42 172 elsif ($argdo eq 'j') { }
18 154 elsif ($argdo eq 'y') { }
2 152 elsif ($argdo eq 'n') { }
58 94 elsif ($argdo eq 'm' or $argdo eq 'm1') { }
49 45 elsif ($argdo eq 'd' or $argdo eq 'd1') { }
8 37 elsif ($argdo eq 'm2') { }
12 25 elsif ($argdo eq 'd2') { }
18 7 elsif ($argdo eq 'w' or $argdo eq 'w1') { }
5 2 elsif ($argdo eq 'w2') { }
1 1 elsif ($argdo eq 'z') { }
1 0 elsif ($argdo eq 'x') { }
834 0 1 if ($verbose)
842 16 55 if ($date2) { }
844 0 16 if ($c->{'make_date_interval'}) { }
854 9 46 if ($c->{'make_date'}) { }
861 0 71 if ($verbose)
865 13 58 if ($c->{'replace'})
892 4 0 if ($date->{'year'}) { }
930 2 0 if (defined $year)
948 1 2 if ($year > $eyear or $year == $eyear and not defined $month) { }
2 0 elsif ($year == $eyear and defined $month) { }
963 2 0 if (defined $date) { }
0 0 elsif ($month >= $emonth) { }
964 1 1 if ($month > $emonth or $month == $emonth and $date >= $eday)
978 2 1 if ($subs)
982 2 0 unless ($original =~ /$ename/)