Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 30 62 48.3

line true false branch
85 8 9 unless defined $opts
94 0 17 if ($$opts{'name'})
95 0 0 $intpart eq $NUMBER_NAMES{'1'} ? :
0 0 !ref($$opts{'name'}) ? :
101 0 17 if ($$parsed{'fracpart'} or $$opts{'decimal'})
103 0 0 if ($$opts{'decimal'})
104 0 0 if (length $$parsed{'fracpart'} < $$opts{'decimal'})
110 0 0 if ($$opts{'decmode'} eq 'fract') { }
111 0 0 if ($fractpart eq $NUMBER_NAMES{'1'}) { }
139 5 17 if ($hundreds == 1) { }
8 9 elsif ($hundreds > 1) { }
145 2 20 if ($tens == 0) { }
6 14 elsif ($tens <= 20) { }
156 7 7 if $units == 1 or $units == 8
158 14 0 if ($units >= 1)
171 1 16 unless $number and $number =~ /[1-9]/
172 2 14 if "$number" eq '1'
173 9 5 if (my $r = length($number) % 3)
178 0 14 if (@blocks > 4)
184 2 12 if ($blocks[0] == 1) { }
12 0 elsif ($blocks[0] > 1) { }
192 0 14 if ($#blocks >= 1 and $blocks[1] == 1) { }
6 16 elsif ($#blocks >= 1 and $blocks[1] > 1) { }
200 0 4 unless $blocks[$pos]
202 0 4 if ($blocks[$pos] == 1) { }
273 0 0 UNIVERSAL::isa($num, 'Lingua::ITA::Numbers') ? :
285 0 0 UNIVERSAL::isa($num, 'Lingua::ITA::Numbers') ? :
296 0 0 UNIVERSAL::isa($num, 'Lingua::ITA::Numbers') ? :
298 0 0 $inverted ? :
310 0 0 UNIVERSAL::isa($num, 'Lingua::ITA::Numbers') ? :
312 0 0 $inverted ? :